Sunday, January 01, 2006

Ahmadenijad's beginning of the New Year

I thought that at least January 1st was a day to be generous and in peace with the rest of mankind.

Well, there are people who does not think like that.

For example, Ahmadenijad.

Lastly, Atlas Shrugs has now a must-read post:

Iran, Russia, Syria - Evil's Menage a Trois.


elmers brother said...

"Don't you think that continuation of genocide by expelling Jews from Europe was one of their aims in creating a regime of occupiers of Al-Quds (Jerusalem)?" the official Islamic Republic News agency quoted Ahmadinejad as saying Sunday. "Isn't that an important question?"

Somebody needs to up their medication.

Nora (LV) said...

Ha, ha, ha. Very good comment, elemer's brother.

The problem is that this guy is going to have atomics in not a very far future.