Friday, March 10, 2006

Koran Prosecuted As Hate Speech In Germany

About two weeks back I had posted on the idea that any person caught advocating for the establishment of Sharia in a Western country is advocating for the overthrow of the state. Sharia is an all-encompassing set of laws. As such it is, in effect, a constitution-like document.

Well, it looks like some Germans have the same kind of idea. In Germany, the Koran is being prosecuted as hate speech anti-thetical to the Constitution:

Koran under legal attack in Germany:

"At the prosecutor's office at Gorch-Forck-Wall 15 in Hamburg, an unusual letter was received Monday morning, containing an indictment filed this weekend. The indictment targeted the Quran, charging that the holy book of the Moslems, according to the accuser, is incompatible with the German constitution. The accuser is "Bundesverband der B_rgerbewegungen (BVB)", which concerns itself with, in its own words, "defending basic rights and freedoms" against Islam....

The indictment has been filed in several states, including Hamburg, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Bayern and probably more. In several talkshows on German TV, conservative politicians have pointed out that the Quran is incompatible with the German constitution.

The Turkish-born writer Serap Cileli said on January 29 this year that "the Quran must be considered a historic document. It is not compatible with our constitution and Human Rights." Now the alliance wants the matter tried at the courts....

The indictment is against the 200 verses of 114 suras (ED:chapters) of the Quran that are not compatible with the constitution, including demagoguery, incitement to murder, murder and mutilation, war, acceptance of thievery against infidels, meaning all non-Moslems.

Verses are also pointed out where the equal rights of men and women are not upheld and where people of different faiths are oppressed."

This is very good news. Can't wait to see how it turns out.


freedom said...

Very good news indeed!

Kiddo said...

Oh, this is wonderful! I had been trying to get someone in Italy to put Muhammad on trial like that one fellow had Jesus put on trial, and I'm still waiting. But this, this is positively fantastic! This is the reaction I have been waiting for!

Pastorius said...

Dag suggests we do the same here.

Anyone know any lawyers with big huge golden balls?

The Anti-Jihadist said...

Germany, of all places! I thought they were so terrified of 'provoking' the 'peaceful' Muslims that they were fully committed to being dhimmis, with the early releases of terrorists from their jails, and so on. Nice to see how wrong I was on that score.

Please provide updates on this intriguing case as the new info becomes available, thanks.

Kiddo said...

We don't have the same incitement laws here as in Germany. Otherwise I'd say sic the ACLJ on them. But although it's about time that the tables were turned on them in Europe, I cannot say that I agree with all of the restrictive laws. They have curtailed the freedoms of Europeans until the average citizens have become trapped between their governments and their Muslim populations. Using these laws against the quran is a-ok by me, but I would never be in favor of these sort of laws in the US. We'd all end up in jail! Remember, Germany just sentenced a guy for incitement for making "koran toilet paper".

Always On Watch said...

Amazing news!

D.C. said...

Love it.

Prosecuting the Qu'ran, a brilliant and inspiring idea.

Pastorius said...

You're right that we don't have the same incitement laws here, and this probably wouldn't work.

In actuality, I think people ought to be able to say what they want to say.

However, I don't think people ought to be allowed to plot the overthrow of the U.S. Constitution. And, if you think about it, calling for the implementation of Sharia is an attempt to destroy the Constitution.

Therefore, I think anyone who does call for the implementation of Sharia ought to be put in jail for some sort of treason conviction.

What do you think?

Krishna109 said...

This is good news :-) Actually, it would be wonderful if similar legal actions were to be filed in numerous other countries worldwide! If nothing else, as the cases progressed, many people would become aware as to what the Koran actually says.

I believe I read that a while back they passed a law against inciting hatred in Britain. But some MPs realized that the Koran incited hatred-- so they actually wrote an exception into the law, just for the Koran! (Inciting hatred is actually illegal, unless it the Koran, in which cases its OK).

I'm not sure I remember the facts correctly-- does anyone know?

Anonymous said...

More on the subject of sharia and dhimmitude (ie the status of non-muslims in the sharia) here
Available in french and german as well

English kaffir. said...

Kiddo said...

Pastorius, I do agree with you on that one. I think both the calls for Sharia as well as the chanting of the shahada are both inciteful and dangerous. Ali Sina agreed enough with my assessment to publish the article I wrote on this subject at But I have been through this in college with feminists (with whom I disagree most fervently as they rarely are advocating an agenda that really serves to help all women) who called for bans of materials offensive to them that would set legal precedents here that would enable their opponents to get their own materials banned. Dangerous idea.

However, when it comes to those who make claims that their goal is to supplant the Constitution of the US with the Quran and sharia, I do agree. And CAIR is not the only group to have done so, though they are perhaps most famous for it. BTW, they have still not condemned me. Bastards.

Cubed © said...

I think I'm working backwards in time; I've already commented on this elsewhere, so I'll try to be brief (ha, ha).

I think that to suppress knowledge of anything is dangerous. The Koran and it's contents are its own worst enemy once people become knowledgeable about them.

The Constitution guarantees freedom to BELIEVE anything we want, including that the moon is made of green cheese, but protects us from people who ACT in certain ways.

You may, for example, BELIEVE that all Jews should be killed for being Jews. However, you may not ACT on that belief, because to do so would violate the right of a person to his own life.

There is a short way to remember what constitutes a violation of rights (understanding the derivation of rights is a trifle long).

It is: One may not INITIATE the use of physical force against another, or use it's intellectual equivalent, fraud/deceit.

To do so is a violation of rights.

Another saying I like is, "Your rights stop at my skin."

Anyway, if we don't have access to knoledge about something (the Koran is just one example), we will not be able to counter it.

We have plenty of protections, if only we would use them, to protect ourselves against the hateful crap in the disgusting Koran. Most of the stuff that they spew forth is illegal under the Constitution.

Keep the Koran around, and teach all your kids about how and why it is so evil and dangerous!

Anonymous said...

Halleluiah! About darn time.
Hope it happens in EVERY country, and the sooner the better.
If they don't like it, they can pack up and go home, where there is no welfare money to take.