Saturday, May 13, 2006

Ordinary Muslims want Amputations & Death for Apostasy

Well, well. No real suprises here for the more learned amongst us us, however I invite you over to a nice cosy chat over this little Islamic forum. This started off life with Tu S Tin having some comments on her blog Outside The Box from a seemingly normal Muslim blogger residing in the United Arab Emirates...

How can you justify execution for choosing to leave Islam?

apostasy is punishable by death, based on a hadith, or oral tradition, that the Islamic prophet Muhammad said: "If anyone (a Muslim) changes his religion, kill him."
and death it should be..this is the law of islam,there is no compultion in religion but once a person accepts islam he has to follow it till death.

Equality for all:

treating moslims differently from non-moslims:
َQuran 68:35
we can't make moslims equal to non-moslims, and more we can't allow non-moslim to poison the minds of non-educated plebeians, but he still can debate with scholars as he likes, this why non-moslims should have their devotions surrounded by rules that prevent them from affecting the islamic state's harmony, but unlike christians who disallow other religions in their religious countries and revise what they have done in Andalus.

Moral equivalence, defence of barbarity, and outright lies all rolled into one:

stoning, lashes, and cutting stealer's hand, has resulted in the lowest crime rate all over the history.
during the first 40 years of islamic country, there have only been 5 thieves who deserved cutting a hand, now do you know how many robberies occur in USA? i mean per minute, not per 40 years.

Oh, and Eteraz's site is filth

Then i went and checked jonz blog its called "DRUNKEN BLOGGING AND SHIT" here is the link and serching through the blog i came to the source of these rediculous questions and filth


Pastorius said...

Of course, Eteraz' site is filth. That's because Eteraz is sincerly attempting to redefine Islam in modern terms.

Ultimately, he may be called an apostate himself. Actually, he has been called that, and as you note, the punishment is severe.

Anonymous said...

One thing they seem to hate more than an infidel... is a fellow Muslim who wants to reform Islam!

It reminds me of a pass\ge from Monty Python's Life of Brian, where John Cleese, I think, the leader for the Popular Front for Judea , says "We must unite against the common enemy!" someone replies "What, the Judean's People's Front?", and Cleese replies "Nooo! The Romans!"

Epaminondas said...

I have to tell you, Eteraz is not in a good spot.

I think it's clear that any kind of 'reform' if that which is immutable, is ispo facto, apostasy. Now frankly if Et is sincere, I don't think it would bother him if a bunch of salafi malignoids call him that.

But, looking at the forum you directed us to, as I am used to seeing, we have a bunch of folks, in not spittle foam spewing ways frankly stating, hey look, Islam is good, but sharia is sharia and if dhimmis are to be protected they must accept their place, oh and by the way, death for apostasy. Now all this would be fine, if Islam didn't decree that Dar al Harb must one day become Dar al Islam since we could let them have their system, and go in health.

However, that is not the case. They are compelled to fight in the way of allah until the last day. That's the way it is.

So fuckem.
Nothing personal.

To protect our way of life, to protect our right to worship as we damn please, and say what we damn please, to blaspheme if we wish, to consider the root of Islam racist imperialistic and agression by sacral decree, if we wish, wear bathing suits, and ogle of we wish, to hang out with women not our wives in friendship if we wish, or SIN if we wish (and face our own personal fate), then I am compelled to urge the fight in the way of WT Sherman until the last day, and the the next day.

"But when peace does come, you may call on me for any thing. Then will I share with you the last cracker, and watch with you to shield your homes and families against danger from every quarter."

Until that moment...lock and load. So sorry, not my choice either.

Anonymous said...

To protect our way of life, to protect our right to worship as we damn please, and say what we damn please, to blaspheme if we wish, to consider the root of Islam racist imperialistic and agression by sacral decree, if we wish, wear bathing suits, and ogle of we wish, to hang out with women not our wives in friendship if we wish, or SIN if we wish (and face our own personal fate), then I am compelled to urge the fight in the way of WT Sherman until the last day, and the the next day.

I think we have an Infidel Bloggers prayer there ;)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Epa,

If my site is filth, stop visiting it.

When you visit, however, I suggest you start reading.

Note, it was an 'open' question for discussion, and at the end of it, this is what it says:

Updated May 8, 2005: After staying silent all weekend and mulling this over, I have concluded that I am going to ascribe to something similar to what Sig Carl suggested below: “Labeling someone an apostate isn’t the issue. The real issue is acceptance of ideas. A reformist or traditionalist can shout from the the rooftops, but if no one is buying, well, labels are irrelevant.” In other words, I am not going to lable anyone an apostate. I believe it is more important if the distinction is done away with all together. Thank you to all those who contributed.

Still, at the end of the day, I have never called any other human being's site "filth." Maybe before you start preaching, you should start practicing.

Anonymous said...

Ah, My apologies, EPA,

I did not check my comments box earlier. Apparently you are quoting some cite that calls me filth.

Well, I went to that site, they are a bunch of morons. Perhaps I will have to engage with them at some point.

My sincerest apologies for assuming the worst of you. I've had way too many people calling me way too many names lately.

Ali E.

Epaminondas said...

Hey Et,

Maybe you should be accurate in stating who called who what....which I could suggest DOES require reading...

No hard feeling here..just calling your attention to accuracy in your accusation of assertions..

I don't think your site is filth, nor did I state that, in fact I would say generally I have defended you, and most of what you say. I DO think that THAT one post you had about muslim jews is a bit too much..why?

On the day that someone offs 650,000,000 million muslims, BECAUSE they are muslims and also wihtout any means of defense, or ability to harm, or intention to harm, and you are related to a lot of them, and some you know PERSONALLY have harrowing escape stories from mass murders and 'gestapo' sweeps, I think you will understand. Until that day....good taste, and better sense compels caution in that regard, especially when this world is immersed in waves of racism and denial, mostly generated from one common source. But hey..what the hell, right?

As far as the lights of Qutb, you ARE one. BY the lights of Yazdi (Iran) you ARE one.TO ME THAT'S 'A BADGE OF HONOR'. Make a T-shirt. You're no apostate in my book, but I have a different book, and it isn't immutable.

You PROBABLY don't believe in fighting in what THEY call the way of Allah until the last day..this ALSO would make you an apostate.

Ok now what? So what?

A. Eteraz said...

i meant "jonz" not epa.

ok im late for a wedding. i need to get hammered after this week.

a few of you left me very nice notes on my blogs and i just wanted to say that i appreciate that.


Anonymous said...

Curious how Eteraz has a big "no comment" regarding his Musselman post. Ten minutes of googling would have shown him the error of his ways.

Jonz, cool handle.

Pastorius said...

See? I'm telling you, Eteraz is in the midst of a temper tantrum at us, and at Christians and Infidels in general.

He has had nothing but support from

Pastorius (that's me)
Baron Bodissey
Pim's Ghost

and, I'm probably forgetting some.

I hope the guy realizes that that is almost half of our contributors.

I hope he gets over it soon. But, as I said, I probably wouldn't react any better than he is doing.

Anonymous said...

And me too! I support Eteraz.

Yes, when I said Eteraz's site is filth I am indeed just quoting from those fools on the Islamic forum.

I support anyone that is deemed as filth by Islamists.

Thanks grant ;)

Pastorius said...

Oops, I don't know why I didn't include Jonz.

I understood your post, Jonz. I understood that you were quoting from the other site.

Anonymous said...

About the Mussulman post:

I thiank all those who posited their version of the word "mussulman." As my post also includes the interpretation of the word as according to holocaust survivors, I think it's fairly clear that there is a difference of interpretation of what the word really stood for. We can live with different interpretations, can't we? I can. I fail to see why I should have to retract anything any time there is a difference of opinion on it.

Pastorius said...

You don't have to retract anything. But, it might help if you added the voices of those who dissent to your front page.

If you do not, then you are insisting upon your dominant hierarchy, at the expense of the consensus.

Anonymous said...

ok pastorius,

what does that mean? i have a comments section that i do not regulate, and all trackbacks are free to come in and go. wordpress does not automatically show if you simply connect to the permalink, but will ping it in the comments section if you trackback to it. further, on the christian post i asked jay mac to post on my site. further, people who disagree with the reading of the mussulman, have already made their voices clear in the comments section. like i already noted, i dont think there is any consensus on what the jews thought of the mussulman, especially since primo levi is the most famous of the jews to write on the matter. besides, the post is about the two views the west has of islam - not whether or not jews agreed on their definition of 'mussulman.' finally, if you want me to add iba back to my blgoroll, i can do that. still, you will have to trackback using the trackback url in order to for your disagreements to ping (alternatively you could comment in the comments section). in the end, much of the 'gray' area in communication could be resolved if all of us had more time.