Thursday, June 15, 2006

Dutch racism, Muslim radicalism and stealth Marxism

So, by now we've been taught that the Dutch are 'extremely racist'. However, a study published yesterday into the mindset of the the young 'allochtone' (oh, how I despise that word) also had some revealing news: 40% of young Moroccans (that would be second and third generation immigrants, those born and bread on these green and wet shores, that have gone to school here, but somehow seemed impervious to the multi-cultural 'everybody is special, but nobody is more special then any other' indoctrination that goes by the name of elementary education these days) reject democracy and think that Muslim and European lifestyles are hardly compatible.

A majority is opposed to the freedom of speech regarding hurtful comments, especially when Islam is the issue debated about. Approximately 7% is willing to defend their faith with violence.

Forty percent.

Reject democracy.

Reject the idea of co-existence with 'European lifestyles'.

And of those 40% 1 in 6 would "defend their faith with violence".

It really beggars belief. They've been born here, been given the opportunities their parents and grandparents sought for them upon arriving here. They've been coddled and helped and assisted along the way though school because of their 'special' nature as immigrant children. And if they get the chance one in 15 will take up arms against the society that granted them all those priviledges. It is beyond ungrateful.

The reaction to this bit of alarming news is obvious to those who know Dutch politics: A Centre for extremist studies will be established. That'll show'em who's boss! Tea will be served, with or without sugar, upon entering the premises.

To those not familiar with Dutch political SOP, or still in possession of some common sense, Fjordman provides a neat analysis that explains this perfectly natural outcome: The revenge of Marxism. Quite a long read, but well worth it.

(Crossposted at the Klein Verzet)

(1) BTW, we did notice the Morrocan youth themselves used the phrase 'Muslim lifestyles' and did not refer to 'Moroccan lifestyles', right? So, if we criticize the treatment of women, the honor killings, the senseless sense of entitlement and of being owed Rezzpect, this is not criticism of Moroccans per se, but of Islam, right? So, in fact it is NOT racism, is it? Glad we got that sorted out, then.


Anonymous said...

"The reaction to this bit of alarming news is obvious to those who know Dutch politics: A Centre for extremist studies will be established"

Europe's manufacturing capability may have gone down the toilet but new employment will be generated in numerous Islamic Studies Institutes. Here's another:

"France's first Islamic government-backed institute will open in October in the northern city of Lille to counter the rising Islamophobia phenomenon"


Kleinverzet said...


Hallo daar!

I know you're blog. I'm a regular, really. Never got around to blogrolling your site, but I just corrected that omission. Thanks for the compliments.


Yeah, that's exactly what is happening in a nutshell. Give it another 20 years and everyone in Europe will be a civil servant, an apparatchick. Such is the nature of Statism, isn't it.

One hopes the tide will turn, but as of now any Tocquevillian argumet on freedom and responsibillity is ignored and ridiculed. The State is still to be considered Mother and Father to all.

Stalin and Hitler had it all wrong. You don't need brute force to have people subject to your whims. What they lacked was patience and the concept of the nanny state. If you have that, people will willingly give up their freedom for state provided security.

One just hopes they never have to find out that, in the words of Ben Franklin, they deserve neither then.