Thursday, June 01, 2006

OK, Let's recap


The Anti-Jihadist said...

So quick to resort to name calling. And since when is Islam or Muslims a race? I never made that assumption, implied are otherwise or ever stated as such. Show me where I have so stated, if I may ask the honor of you.

"Burqa in the womb"? Remember, I am a moron, so I require clarification of this puzzling allegory. If you are somehow crudely alluding to unwanted pregnancies, women in the west have access to any number of birth control methods, and (more often than not) aborton on demand. Furthermore, I live in a Majority Muslim land, and abortion has never been legal here, and the same goes for most other Muslim states. Hence the non sensical 'womb burqa' remark does not compute.

And Freedom House begs to differ on the "Saudi Arabia is a free country" characterization. According to their Freedom in the World annual report, Saudi Arabia is not only ranked "not free", but ranks a '7' on their political rights and civil liberties ('7' is the highest possible amount of repression).

I could go on, but why bother? I'm a moron incapable of following your, um, logic. You forgot to accuse me of being a fascist.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you're right. I did forget to mention that you are a Fascist. If you weren't a Fascist, I wouldn't hate you so much. And, I hate you because you never formulate a logical argument. Muslims are just the same as everyone else. They're just different. That's all. And, it's ok to be different. It's what makes the world go round.

Anonymous said...

Oh, by the way, that was me; Barbara Schootingbum

Epaminondas said...

anon - I have a question for you should know the answer to immediately..


The Anti-Jihadist said...

And 'racist', that epithet is lacking in your diatribe. You're on your way to losing your ACLU/Progressive credentials at this rate.

Anonymous said...

Today is Thursday and tomorrow is Friday. Why do you ask?

Barbara Schootingbum

Pastorius said...

Thanks for pointing that out. Yes, you are a racist and a Fascist. I don't know which is worse. All racists are Fascists, but not all Fascists are racists. Or, something like that anyway.

Oh, by the way, guys, this is me, Pastorius. I didn't mean to mess with you. I just get so tired of Barbara whatever her name is, that I just had to lampoon her a bit.

I think I'll continue doing it, so from now on, you know it's me.

Barbara Schootingbum

The Anti-Jihadist said...

Ha Ha! Bring on the Babs!

J said...

Is this Barbara for real???

Pastorius said...

It's me, Grant. I admit it.

And, I plan on continuing to do so. In fact, I hope to engage the real Barbara Schudenboon in a discussion eventually.

We'll see if I can get away with it.

Anonymous said...

@ you all on this thread!

It is typical for the level of discussion to use a scrambled form of my name. It illustrates your ignorance.

When arguments can't be found the only discussion tric that's left is "ad hominem".

I pity you!

Epaminondas said...

That shows us.

I feel really bad now.

I have to go cry somewhere but before I do, whoever was anon above, the impersonating liar ("I am Jewish") ...tell us, why do you even bother when you must know you can't even pass the simplest criteria?

Anonymous said...


What simple criteria? Having a tunnel vision like you all have, you mean.

I am Jewish. I am a supporter of EAJG, the SIVMO and the reform sjoel BeithHaChidush in Amsterdam. My ancestors were diamantworkers.

What do want to know more?
Barbara Schuddeboom

Pastorius said...

See Epa,
Here ancestors were diamantworkers.

Now, I can prove I'm black. My ancestors were tap dancers.

Pastorius said...

Honestly, I don't know why I bother satirizing Schuddenboon. She is already some sort of satire, even if she doesn't know it.

You are a goldmine of comedy, Schuddenboon.

By the way, the reason I went on and on, in my satire of you, about how no one is making a rational argument is because YOU NEVER ACTUALLY MAKE AN ARGUMENT.

You merely spew opinions in a longline of anecdotes and non sequiters.

And, when a person responds to you, and makes an argument against your, um, point, you do not respon back.

In other words, it is impossible to have a conversation with you.

In fact, Barbara, I would say you suffer from a problem that we here in America call

Can't Understand Normal Thinking

Epaminondas said...

Yesterday and today are the days Moses arrived with something, gee I wonder what it was?

No jewish person I have EVER known has failed to know that Shavuot has arrived.

I PITY YOU. Your antecents are crying somewhere if you are speaking truth, but I DOUBT IT.

Your comments have caused a significant amount of HILARITY and disgust at MY REFORM CONGREGATION, meineer-ess.

I will jewish person I have ever known, has failed to know this day. 56 years of them, practicing or no, the days the Tablets arrived is remembered. So can it, doll

My direct ancestors escaped from Munich in suitcases (yes IN THE suitcases), and were expelled from england. DIRECT.

I read and understand the Stone and the Tree, and it's meaning in the real world.

You apparently have forgotten too much to undertsand what that might mean for you and your children.

I speak with arabs every day in the gulf, tunnel that. I comrpehend what the ban in the hijaz MEANS, which bothers you not at all.

You're a dhimmi, doll.

It's those who, if you are being truthful, regard you as a daughter of swine and apes who have outlined why they can't live with YOU unless you pay the tax, or utter the shahada. Be that's okay, I have some beautiful scarves we can send to you.

Anonymous said...

@ epaminondas
Believe whatever you want.

You and your pack are just a bunch of Don Quijotes fighting windmills.

Pastorius said...

So far, 15 comments from Barbara, and she still has yet to form an actual argument.

Epaminondas said...

Hey baby ...

what is your beef..lay it out factually...

Do you not care for us because our opinions are offensive?

We believe our opinions are based on iron hard facts and reality..


Or perhaps the windmills you speak of are resistance to salafi or apparently khomeinist dawa always means jihad. Sooner or later.

Back up your opinions or GO AWAY.

Or is that too western an idea set for you?

Disprove that.