Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Politics as Resistance

Politics has now become resistance, not representation or advocacy. Just my thoughts:

The pattern since has been dreadfully inadequate to the needs of the electorate. We are not getting proper representation, as we should under our government, but rather resistance movements against that we deem other, whichever side. Everything is couched in the terms of resistance, of rebellion against whichever Party is in more control on whichever front, whichever issue. Our most recent election was spoken of almost exclusively in terms of "a referendum on the war", "the people voting in protest against Republican corruption", etc. Never a word about local citizens wanting local change through their Representatives.

In short, we are spinning our wheels. We have become the tribal society unable to beat the infighting that weakens us. The Celtic Britons were unable to unite successfully against Rome, the Romano-Celts after them unable to unite against the Germanic invaders. This infighting has proven fatal to more civilizations than just these, and it is taking root more and more in the West. We are not being represented in our Government as we should be, because voting has become a form of rebellion and revenge.

Yeah, I finally updated my Bloggie blog blog.

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