Thursday, January 18, 2007

Secrets easily removed from US Nuclear Weapons Labs? YES

The Energy Department’s dismissal last week of its top nuclear security official shows that security at U.S. nuclear weapons laboratories remains poor and the theft of nuclear secrets remains unresolved. brooks_linton.jpg

Energy Secretary Samuel W. Bodman fired the head of the National Nuclear Security Administration, Linton F. Brooks, because of security breaches last year at weapons facilities, including Los Alamos National Laboratory.

The most damaging security lapses from U.S. nuclear laboratories involved China’s theft through espionage of secrets on every deployed nuclear warhead in the strategic arsenal, including the small W-88 warhead used on the most advanced missiles.

China is believed to have supplied Pakistan with nuclear weapons technology, including warhead design data.

Brooks said in a statement “one reason for forming NNSA was to prevent such management problems from occurring.”

This kind of blase stupidity threatens to actually become BORING with the volume of these kinds of stories. Why can't we have secure information?

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