Thursday, January 18, 2007

Winds of War: How the War Against Islamism Will Last 70 Years – And They Win

UK Home Secretary John Reid, Newt Gingrich, and the Pentagon have all chimed in over the last few months stating that the misnamed ‘war on terror’ will last a generation or so. To quote Gingrich:

Americans must steel themselves for a long and arduous war against the "irreconcilable wing of Islam," which could last anywhere from 30 to 70 years.

A wing? Were the Japanese pilots who bombed Pearl Harbor a ‘wing’ of the Shinto religion? Were the SS a ‘wing’ of a benign National Socialist Party?

Mr. Gingrich, if this struggle between a freedom loving ideology and that of the Islamist ideology lasts 70 years without an outbreak of a global war, the Islamists will have won.

Here’s why.

What if Pearl Harbor didn’t happen? And what if Hitler didn’t invade Poland and Mussolini didn’t invade Ethiopia? That is to say, what if the fascist regimes of Japan, Germany and Italy restrained themselves for starting a hot war and didn’t reach for the gun – i.e., putting boots on the ground in other countries to impose their ideology - to advance their agenda of world domination? How would history have turned out? Would the fascist ideology have won?

Read the rest at The Gathering Storm.

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