Friday, April 18, 2008


The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
--- II Thessalonians, Chapter 2
Reformation of Islam? Or, abomination of desolation?

SYNCRETIST: Tela Tella is the founder of Chrislam, a religion that preaches unity and tolerance between Islam and Christianity.

In Africa, Islam and Christianity are growing - and blending
By Abraham McLaughlin Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor

LAGOS, NIGERIA – At first, it seems a surprising sight: inside a two-story mosque in sub-Saharan Africa's largest metropolis hangs a life-size portrait of Jesus Christ.

Yet worshipers at "The True Message of God Mission" say it's entirely natural for Christianity and Islam to cexist, even overlap. They begin their worship by praying at the Jesus alcove and then "running their deliverance" - sprinting laps around the mosque's mosaic-tiled courtyard, praying to the one God for forgiveness and help. They say it's akin to Israelites circling the walls of Jericho - and Muslims swirling around the Ka'ba shrine in Mecca.

This group - originally called "Chris-lam-herb" for its mix-and-match approach to Christianity, Islam, and traditional medicine - is a window on an ongoing religious ferment in Africa. It's still up for debate whether this group, and others like it, could become models for Muslim-Christian unity worldwide or whether they're uniquely African.


Damien said...

Could it lead to unity between Christianity and Islam? Doubtful, Regardless of weather or not it would be a good thing. Islam and Christianity are incompatible. People can believe Illogical things when it comes to Religion. For example Voodooism uses statues of Christian saints to represent their gods. But even if no one else recognize the incomparability of the two belief systems, the fundamentalist of both faiths would. Christen fundamentalist would not like, and would pray Chrislam souls. However Muslim fundamentalist will most likely murder followers of Chrislam. They'll consider them Infidels and won't let them set up churches/mosques anywhere Saudi Arabia.

I just hope that the violent, and intolerant tendencies of Islam, don't become part of Chrislam. If it does, we will have two violent terrorist faiths and we definitely don't need that.

Pastorius said...

I absolutely agree.

Nevertheless, don't be surprised if this idea grows. In fact, don't be surprised if mainline Christian churches begin to promote it.

That's why I posted it here. I am concerned.

Damien said...


Liberal churches my promote it, but the Pat Robertsons and Jerry Falwells of the world will not.

Always On Watch said...

I think that such syncretism will increase. And those who oppose it will be dubbed "fanatic fundamentalists."

Pastorius said...

I have become a fanatic Fundamentalist.

It's really funny.

As Always on Watch can attest to, I am the last person one would think would be a "Fundamentalist."

However, the other day, my wife tried to get into a "nuanced" discussion with me on the topic of Global Warming.

I participated for about five minutes and then I said,

"Yeah, well, Environmentalism is the new Paganism. So, if you want to believe that Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, are more important than people, then go right ahead. But, God said that we are the caretakers of the Earth, and it is for our enjoyment."

My wife just looked at me shocked.

I'm so tired of all the Leftist b.s., I won't even bother wasting my breath on it anymore.

Michael Travis said...

"If you want to believe that Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, are more important than people,,,,,"

Uh,....well, not ALL people.

Pastorius said...

Well, like it says, He created us in His Image.

As far as I can tell, that's all of us.

joie said...

See story on Chrislam:

Anonymous said...

this is not a HOLY NOT give him power....ANYONE CLAIMING TO BE THE MESSIAH SINCE CHRIST....IS A LIAR!...remember jim jones?...ISLAM is a BONDAGE RELIGION....I want to see your face when I see you...where ever that may be....but this LIAR will fool many..many...many..who DON'T have a Personal relationship with THE LORD GOD...the muslims do not have a LORD...they only have (prophets) some this case this man is EVIL...dressed like a lamb!PERIOD.