Saturday, July 12, 2008

Just What Is This Domestic Sharia Law The Archbishop and The Lord Chief Justice Are So Hot For?

The Archcunthip and The Lord Chief Pussois of England are both in agreement, we ought to entertain the idea of using Sharia law for domestic situations, so Muslims can feel as if they are serving Allah and Mammon too.

But, what is domestic Sharia law? Cal Thomas explains:

So this is how it ends: not with a bang, but a whimper.

The most senior
judge in England has declared that Islamic legal principles in Sharia law may be
used within Muslim communities in Britain to settle marital arguments and
regulate finance.

Lord Chief Justice Lord Phillips said, "Those entering
into a contractual agreement can agree that the agreement shall be governed by a
law other than English law."

In his speech at an East London mosque,
Lord Phillips said Muslims in Britain could use Islamic legal principles as long
as punishments - and divorce rulings - comply with English law.

law does not comply with English law. It is a law unto itself.

And so
the English, who gave us the Magna Carta in 1215, William Blackstone and the
foundation of American law, are slowly succumbing to the dictates of intolerant
Islam and sowing seeds of their own destruction.

The Iranian and Kurdish
Women's Rights Organization (IKWRO), an umbrella group of activists who work in
Muslim countries to liberate women from the dark side of this oppressive force,
according to, identifies Sharia family law as the
fundamental basis for discrimination against women in the Muslim world,
including communities in the United Kingdom.

Here are just some of the
"benefits" British Muslim women can look forward to if Sharia law replaces
English law:

n The Muslim woman cannot marry without parental approval,
worsening the problem of forced marriage.

n Marriages can be conducted
without the presence of a bride, as long as the guardian consents, creating a
climate for underage and early marriage.

n Muslim women may only marry
Muslim men.

It gets worse.

n A Muslim man can divorce his wife
by repudiating her.

n They have no obligation to support a former wife,
or her children after the divorce.

n Women are prohibited from divorcing
husbands without his consent.

n Abuse is not grounds for a woman to end
a marriage.

n In matters of inheritance, sons are entitled to twice as
much of an estate as daughters.

n Divorced women must remain single. If
they remarry, they can lose custody of their children. There is no similar
requirement for a man.

n Child custody often reverts to the father at a
preset age, even if the father has been abusive.

It is impossible to
reconcile this antiquated "law" with English law, so what could Lord Phillips
mean when he says that Sharia law can be used in Muslim communities as long as
such laws comply with English law?

This will mean English law must
become subordinate to Sharia law.

This is Dhimmitude, an Islamic system
of religious apartheid begun in the 7th century that forces all other religions
and cultures to accept an inferior status once Muslims become the majority.

Go read the whole thing.


Damien said...


Plus when it comes to reason, I forgot to mention something. Some might argue (including myself) that in a way, groups like the Nazis or the Islam-o-Fascists aren't really irrational at all. They are to a large degree, just doing what is logical based on their world view. For example if you believe all members of your "race" are superior and Jews are inherently subhuman evil scum out to hurt your kind, why not kill them all? In fact you could argue based on that sick belief that not only would it be in society's interest to exterminate them all, but in your own interest as well. (Note that this is not at all excusing what the Nazis did or what the Islamic fanatics are doing now)

Pastorius said...

How do you increase the birth rate?

Here's a simple answer, but I think there is truth to it.

Stop muzzling men. Stop making them conform to PC. The more you muzzle men, the less manly they become.

War would take the muzzles off men.

And then, women would enjoy men being men. Women don't want to go to war. That's one job they will leave to men. And, women would appreciate the effort, and reward it accordingly, if you know what I mean.

Pastorius said...

I think there is a way in which Nazism and Islamo-fascism are both MORE rational than the Judeo-Christian worldview.

Nazism and Islam are both ideologies that believe the strong should destroy the weak. That is rational, if you ask me.

The Judeo-Christian worldview believes the strong spend their time helping the weak.

That is irrational, if you ask me.

When God asks us to live according to His Law, helping the widows and orphans, and allowing the last to be first and the first last, then we are being asked to do things which are counter to our nature and nature in general.

We are being asked to behave opposite of our animal natures. We are being asked to act according to God's logic, instead of the logic which is dictated to us by nature, by our natural fear of death, by our natural desire to kill and fill our stomachs.

Damien said...


"Nazism and Islam are both ideologies that believe the strong should destroy the weak. That is rational, if you ask me."
do you actually believe that? Are actually that sick and twisted?

So you think we shouldn't care about people who are widows or orphans? Do you think we should care about the sick or the handicap? Taken to its logical extreme, the idea that the strong should eliminate the weak, would mean there should be no doctors. Why because doctors help the weak. They help the sick and injured get well. Beyond that, a sick person's illness may be caused by bad genes and if you help him or her survive, you might increase the chances of those bad genes being carried to offspring. Do you support compulsory stylization for the weak, for those with genetic diseases or mental handicaps? Do you support Eugenics?

Plus just because something is a part of human nature does not make it good or moral. Theft, Rape, and Murder all have a basis in human nature. Do you think any of those things are good? Do you think I should be allowed to murder someone just because I am stronger than they are? Keep in mind, I might be stronger than you.

Beyond that humans are different from normal animals. We are rational animals, beings capable of reason and creativity. Some of the rules that apply to other species don't apply to us.

Pastorius said...

No, what I'm saying is that Nazism and Islam are rational philosophies of power, which is the only inevitable ideology a person can come to if they don't believe in God.

the Judeo-Christian ideology is supra-rational. It is a spiritual world which believes that widows and orphans are as important as strong people.

Damien said...


I'm glad that you don't think that the strong should harm the weak. But I still detect a problem with your thinking. Not all people who reject religion are violent or believe the strong shouldn't care about the weak. They are all different depending on the individual. In fact some even have stereotypically religious beliefs without any belief in God or the supernatural at all. If you want to see something that goes against stereotypes check this link out.

Pastorius said...

Yeah, I know a lot of people who don't believe in God, who are better people than an awful lot of people I know who do believe in God.

Pastorius said...

Yeah, I know a lot of people who don't believe in God, who are better people than an awful lot of people I know who do believe in God.

BabbaZee said...

A Muslim man can divorce his wife
by repudiating her.

I divorce thee
I divorce thee
I divorce thee

spit spit spit

throws a persian shoe


Brigette Gabriel on Islam & the UN Definiton of Genocide

BabbaZee said...

I just reposted that I like it so much

Damien said...


Muslim men are such sexists.

Pastorius said...

Remember Steve Martin used to do a bit on this back in 1977.

His "wild and crazy guy" character would tell a story about how he divorced his wife,

"I break with thee, I break with thee, I break with thee, and then I throw a-doggie-poopie on her shoes."

I had no idea at the time that he was actually referencing something that really existed.

Ray Boyd said...

Pastorius said:

"And so the English, who gave us the Magna Carta in 1215, William Blackstone and the foundation of American law, are slowly succumbing to the dictates of intolerant Islam and sowing seeds of their own destruction."

No we are not to the extent that the views of the Archtwat and the Lord Chief Idiot are carrying no weight. They alone do not have the mandate to change our laws and they are seen for what they are - mega dhimmies.

Pastorius said...

Ray, just to be clear, Cal Thomas wrote that.

I just set it up and posted it.

I don't agree with him that the British are just giving in. History tells me the British government will sit back, until the last minute, and then they will ruthlessly fight and destroy the evil in their midst.