Saturday, September 20, 2008

Working Against the Infidel Bloggers Alliance

I got the link to the following video through the Muslim Public Affairs Council. It is a ten-minute, professional propaganda film that would convince anybody who doesn't know about taqiyya or basic principles of Islam that everybody who writes for the IBA is an Islamophobic bigot.

I thought it was interesting when they showed a clip of a talk-show host asking a Muslim congressman if he was a true patriot. And then they showed a calm, sensible-looking Muslim woman who said, it was clearly a "racist and xenophobic question."

I thought, "What?" Wasn't that a question informed by knowledge of basic Islamic principles? What does that have to do with race? Nothing. What does it have to do with irrational fears of outsiders? Nothing. It has to do with doctrine and beliefs, and that is a completely legitimate thing to grill anyone on, especially someone who has some influence on national policy. Here's the video:

We have a right to ask any Muslim, or anyone at all, what they believe in, and we should initially suspect Muslims (sorry, Muslims, but it's your religion you know what's in those books, you know about taqiyya and jihad and Muhammad's verse of the sword).

Any Muslim who is truly a patriot would understand because they'd know enough about their own holy books to know there is definitely something for non-Muslims to fear from a devout Muslim, unless they prove themselves beyond doubt.

I would assume that an informed Muslim who tries to make you feel bad for questioning their patriotism has something to hide. That's the safe assumption. It's really too bad, but unless you are trying to gain a political concession or are blindly multicultural, you can't blame me.


SamenoKami said...

"everybody who writes for the IBA is an Islamophobic bigot."

Why would you care what a bunch of 12th century jerkwads say/think about you?

"Any Muslim who is truly a patriot"

There is no such animal as a patriotic muslim. A name-only muslim is not a muslim and is in just as much trouble from the jihader as the infidel. A patriotic muslim is an oxymoron. IF he is muslim there are certain tenets that he must adhere to. Convert, die or dhimmi; islam will rule the world; sharia law. These are patriotic people only when in an islamic country. A good muslim and a good Christian are polar opposites. A bad muslim and a good Christian are much closer to being the same thing, much closer than a good muslim and a bad Christian.

Always On Watch said...

That video is an effective bit of film -- for those who don't know better. Ugh!

Always On Watch said...

DEVIL'S ADVOCATE ARGUMENT for all but atheists and agnostics...

Choose between god and country

As a Christian, I look to the New Testament verses which indicate that we Christians should obey the rule of civil law. The exceptions for me: bowing down before another god and violating others of the Ten Commandments. Numerous examples of what I'm talking about can be found in both the Old and New Testaments.

And I'm not using a broad interpretation of the Commandments either. For example, a broad interpretation of "Thou shalt not kill" doesn't include not serving in the military.

Always On Watch said...

One more thing....Moslems not only put Allah ahead of country. They also put tribal loyalties ahead of country.

Always On Watch said...

Why would you care what a bunch of 12th century jerkwads say/think about you?

In the immortal words of Lt. Gerard (Tommy Lee Jones) in The Fugitive: I DON'T CARE!

Allah, the moon god, is not my god; and Mohammed the Pedophile is not my prophet. Can I have my fatwa now?

SamenoKami said...

I would choose God over country. I think that if I choose God over country, I can have country also. If I choose country over God, I will lose both.

Pastorius said...

Jewish people have a long, proud tradition of putting God before the dictates and mores of the various countries they have lived in.

Epaminondas said...

Pasto, that's precisely why I posed that argument.

And AoW indicates the same for her faith.

Yet it is by just that reasoning that islamists would say they cannot be what we consider patriots. Their allegance falls to god first.

So what's the difference?

Why can we answer that god comes first, yet be patriotic?

Pastorius said...

I think the answer is that the system in which we live is Judeo-Christian.

Anonymous said...

"Jewish people have a long, proud tradition of putting God before the dictates and mores of the various countries they have lived in."

Yes and no. Our sages and writings tell us to follow the laws of the land we live in (like the Druse, also) BUT we are prohibited from engaging in idolatry, murder and other acts prohibited by the Commandments. In other words, if I lived in Rome, I needed to pay my taxes, keep the civil laws but I couldn't offer sacrifices to Jupiter's statue.

Another example: the reason that we adopted monogamy (polygamy was permitted by the Old Testament) was because we lived in European, Christian countries where monogamy was the law---so the rabbis of that time told us, that's the local law and we will follow it also.

Yes, our duty to G-d is foremost, as it is for any believing citizen, but the laws of the land are imperatives also.

Citizen Warrior said...

SamenoKami, you asked, "Why would you care what a bunch of 12th century jerkwads say/think about you?"

My answer is that I'm not concerned with what Muslims believe. I'm concerned with what probably over half of my fellow Americans believe.

A huge percentage of the people in this country, if they viewed this Muslim propaganda film (and no doubt some of them will or have already), would not see anything wrong with it, and would wonder why we are so "hateful of Islam." This mindset is a danger to the free world. It must be changed, at least in many of them (I know we can't change them all).

Also, SamenoKami, you said, "There is no such animal as a patriotic Muslim." But I would split an important hair here. I believe there are plenty of people who CONSIDER themselves Muslims who are, in fact, genuine patriots, either because they don't know what's in the Qur'an or because they inherited their religion from their parents but are apatheists.

Also, SamenoKami, you said, "I think that if I choose God over country, I can have country also."

That may be true ONLY IF YOU ARE NOT A MUSLIM. The Qur'an is very specific about that point, and does not say it in language open to interpretation and never contradicts itself on that principle throughout the book. Islam comes first. It is one of the most dangerous (to non-Muslims) memes in the Islamic Memeplex.

Anonymous said: "I am at odds with the imperialistic doctrine of Islam and any and everyone that would war against me for my instinct to survive its inherent threat. There is no shame or fear in demonstrating my rejection of Islam and exposing its inferiority."

I like that. Well said.

Epa, you said, "Yet it is by just that reasoning that Islamists would say they cannot be what we consider patriots. Their allegiance falls to God first. So what's the difference?"

The difference is that their allegiance falls to ISLAM first, and Islam is a political doctrine with the explicit purpose of overtaking the government by any means.

That's a big difference.

I liked what Hege Storhaug says in this article about successfully stopping an Islamic encroachment:

"All the time it's Muslims who come with special requirements," she says. "We never hear a peep from Catholics, Jews, Hindus etc."

SamenoKami said...

Epa "Why can we answer that god comes first, yet be patriotic?"

God makes no call on my life to conquer every other nation in His name. allah does make that call upon muslims. islam has the 'spirit of patriotism' for allah not for country.

"the reason that we adopted monogamy (polygamy was permitted by the Old Testament) was because we lived in European, Christian countries where monogamy was the law"

I was under the impression that Jews were nearly 100% monogamous at least by the time of the Babylonian captivity and definitely by the year 0. Christianity wasn't a 'legal' religion until ~300AD. I tried to think of the last guy mentioned (Gen.- Malachi) who had more than one wife but didn't come up w/a name. I also kinda tho't that since God gave Adam only one wife/woman, it would have set a precedent. Just asking.

Citizen Warrior
"I believe there are plenty of people who CONSIDER themselves Muslims who are, in fact, genuine patriots, either because they don't know what's in the Qur'an or because they inherited their religion from their parents but are apatheists."

This is my good muslim/bad muslim comment. There are no good muslims that are patriots. Only a bad muslim can be a patriot. Otherwise his allegiance is to allah.

Citizen Warrior said...


Okay, I get it. There are no GOOD Muslims (that is, devout followers of Mohammad's words and deeds) who are patriots.

We are on the same page.