Saturday, October 11, 2008

Yes but they are off the Terrorist list - North Korea said to work at secret Teheran site on Iran's nuclear warheads

For all those who think talking is better than, and can accomplish more than not talking, or that there is nothing to lose by same....., October 3, 2008
North Korea helped Iran develop nuclear warheads for missiles, according to an Iranian opposition group.

The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), an anti-Iranian government organization, said last week that Iran set up a secret facility in the suburbs of Teheran for dozens of North Korean experts to design rockets and warheads.

According to the group, the North Koreans used an improved version of the Shihab-3 missile, modeled after North Korea's No-Dong missile. Its warhead is said to be compatible with that of the No-Dong.

The group first disclosed details of Iran's nuclear program in 2002.

U.S. officials have said that the nuclear supplier network headed by Pakistani A.Q. Khan provided blueprints of nuclear missile warheads to Libya. The blueprints, in Chinese, were found during Libya's denuclearization program.

U.S. officials suspect that the Khan network also supplied warhead blueprints to Iran and North Korea.

Ever wonder what advantages could have accrued to US intelligence reliability, and therefore freedom of action had George Bush FIRED EVERYONE at the CIA for missing 9/11? Or after the Iraq invasion and discovery of no WMD?


Anonymous said...

Epaminondas: "...Or after the Iraq invasion and discovery of no WMD?"

Leftist Talking Point Alert!

A weapon of mass destruction that killed tens of thousands of humans was indeed discovered. It was found in a hole and neutralized by a sturdy rope.


Epaminondas said...

C'mon ..u know what I am saying.

IF we had been right about WMD, our claims now that Iran was developing nukes would go down like Dogfish brew