Friday, November 07, 2008

Obama’s Ten Point Black Manifesto

Now that Obama is our next President, here’s what he needs to do before anything else if he’s serious about helping his race and bringing us together.

ONE: Tell the world that America is no longer a racist country. In fact celebrate the fact that America has lived up to its values and practices what it preaches.

TWO: Tell the blacks in this country that America is not a racist nation and those blacks who say so are ostracized by him.

THREE: Tell black children that to study and get good grades is NOT a white thing and they should seek to excel and they too could be President someday.

FOUR: Appoint Bill Cosby to head the Department of Health and Welfare.

FIVE: Declare that rap music, especially gangster rap that degrades blacks and black women is an abomination and chastise the music industry for allowing such music to be produced and broadcast throughout the nation.

SIX: Inform the likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton that blacks are no longer victims and that shaking down the white establishment for their personal gain will no longer be tolerated.

SEVEN: Inform blacks that black males must stay with the women they impregnate and form a family unit to end the cycle of poverty in the black community.

EIGHT: To triple the term of punishment on any black person who knowingly sells drugs in the black community.

NINE: To encourage those blacks who have succeed wildly in their endevaors – specifically black athletes who make exorbanent amount of money by doing little else but show up at basketball games – to give a percentage of their earnings back to the black community for things like bonuses for teaches.

TEN: Tell blacks that it’s time to look within for the failings of their race and to take responsibility for their actions and work together to help each other attain the fruits of opportunity that this country provides. Every ethnic group that immigrates to this country attains middle class status within a generation - including black Africans. Why can't black Americans?

For those who think this post is racist – then you are only showing your ignorance.


Anonymous said...

Let me tell you why this post is racist: After an election in which millions upon millions of America voted without using race as a factor, your reaction is to describe how you think "black" people should be ruled by a "black" man. Nothing on foreign policy, nothing on economics, nothing on the role of government in society. Your post is all about the problems you perceive in African American society, and why Obama's job as America's President is to fix them.

Yes, that's racism.

WC said...

That was exactly my point. Critics of the Obama win who say the US is still racist still say we must have a discussion on race in this country.

Well, this starts the discussion.

It's time the blacks admit their contribution to the problem.

Mother Effingby said...

CW, what are you trying to do? Put a whole industry outta bidness? Don't you realize that once black folk lose their claim to be perpetually subsidized victims, some other group of people will ascend to the favored victim class and then their filthy lucre will have to be earned. We are now a country of so many victims, except the caucasoids, unless they are gay, lesbian, bisexual, atheists or actors, which is all of the above, in their case. So their can never be an end to racism. It's now our national export. You need to wear your guilt with pride.

Mother Effingby said...

Uggh, I am dyxlisec republinca

SamenoKami said...

I would post a comment but I promised Epa to never post anything else about some word or something. :)