Friday, September 11, 2009

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- September 11th, 2009

National Insecurity Worsens


Paul L. Williams, Ph.D.

Think you’re safe on this anniversary of 9/11?

Think again.

The man who has been commissioned by Osama bin Laden to spearhead the next attack on American soil remains free and clear – - thanks to the bungling of federal law enforcement officials.

FBI Director Robert Mueller has called Adnan el-Shukrujumah “the next Mohammed Atta” – - a nuclear technician and computer scientist, who represents “a clear and imminent danger to all Americans.”

Shukrujumah’s face appeared on the front pages of newspapers and every televised news outlet throughout the United States and Canada in March 2003, when 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Muhammad was arrested in Pakistan. Mr. Muhammad told his captors that a nuclear nightmare was in store for the United States and that the designated commander of the attack was Adnan el-Shukrujumah.

A special office for information that might lead to his arrest – - replete with a 24 hour hotline – - was set up in Miami, Florida.

Federal investigators combed South and Central America with the hope of gleaning a scintilla of evidence that might shed light on Adnan’s whereabouts – - since his father Gulshair had been born in Guyana.

The feds even established an elaborate sting operation in Guyana, Trinidad, and New York (the JFK plot) to snag the elusive fugitive – - but the operation only resulted in the creation yet another terrorist organization south of the border.

The U.S. Justice Department placed a $5 million reward for any information leading to his arrest, and the same bounty for each of his alleged accomplices: Amer el-Maati, Jaber A. Elbaneh, Anas al-Liby, and Abderraouf Jdey.

But if a team of bounty hunters had managed to collar Adnan el-Shukrujumah and his terrorist cronies, they would have been hard-pressed to turn them over to law enforcement officials, let alone to collect the aggregate $25 million.

The FBI and other federal law enforcement officials, even after posting rewards, setting up hotlines, and issuing BOLOs (“Be-on-the-Lookout” alerts), neglected to issue criminal warrants for their arrest.

This oversight remains mind-boggling. Adnan el-Shukrujumah worked with Mohammad Atta and the other 9/11 operatives; he masterminded a plan to launch a nuclear attack on American soil; he attended al Qaeda gatherings in Afghanistan and Pakistan, including the Waziristan Summit of 2004; and he conspired with Jose Padilla and others to blow up bridges and infrastructures in New York City with radiological devices.

The search for Adnan el Shukrujumah remains littered with corpses, including that of prominent California businessman Farouk Razac.

Obtaining the necessary warrants would constitute the perfunctory matter of submitting a request to a federal judiciary.

Federal law enforcement officials explain this oversight by insisting that the issuance of a BOLO (Be-on-the-Lookout) and a warrant for Adnan as a material witness is all that is required to collar Adnan. They argue that suspected terrorists, under the guidelines of the Patriot Act, need not be fugitives, who have been indicted by grand juries in U. S. District Courts. This would be all well and good if Adnan was cornered within the U. S. But, if he was sitting in a café in Canada or Mexico, neither the BOLO nor the warrant as a material witness would have been sufficient to take him into custody and to extradite him to the U.S. for questioning.

“A material witness warrant has no weight at all in Canada,” explains a retired RCMP official who opts to remain anonymous “Our law enforcement officials cannot do anything unless there is a criminal offense that is extraditable.”

The failure to obtain arrest warrants remains coupled with other oversights of equally staggering proportions.

Several days after the BOLO was issued, Adnan was allegedly spotted at a Denny’s restaurant in Avon, Colo., where he ordered a chicken sandwich and a salad. Samuel Mac, the restaurant manager, described him as “demanding, rude and obnoxious.” Adnan reportedly told Mac he was from Iran and was driving from New York to the West Coast.

Upon calling the FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C., Mac said the agent who answered the telephone said he had to call the bureau’s Denver office and declined to take down any information.

When Mac called the Denver office of the FBI, he said he was shuttled to voice mail because “all the agents were busy.” It was five hours before a seemingly uninterested agent called the restaurant manager. This agent, according to Mac, took a few notes and said she would pass the information along to the field agents who were handling the case.

On October 31, 2006, members of a nationally known security group reportedly spotted Adnan el-Shukrijumah on the campus of McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. They reported the sighting to the FBI and CSIS. At this writing, nearly three years later, they remain waiting for a response.

Similarly, a former Israeli intelligence official claims to have seen Shukrijumah on several occasions at a gas station in Toronto – - less than an hour’s drive from Hamilton. The Israeli says that he contacted FBI officials at four different locations only to be encountered by bureaucratic indifference. The sighting remains to be investigated.

Meanwhile eight years after 9/11, the American Muslim who was singled out to spearhead the “American Hiroshima” remains on the loose along and the next attack on U.S. soil looms as a certainty.


Total said...

Jihadist websites have seemingly been hacked again as they were last year before 9/11. I thank those who have once again spoiled the disgusting online celebrations of sick Mahoundian fucks.

"As happened last year ... top jihadist forums affiliated with al-Qaida began experiencing technical problems, culminating in their ultimate closure on September 10, 2009."

Anonymous said...

I may have seen this pig. I worked at a supermarket in Miramar, FL. I worked the frozen food section.

I was walking to the manager's office and I noticed a young man walking into the bread/wine aisle.

He gave me a bad vibe. He had no cart and no hand basket so I gave him a look. He looked nervous when our eyes met. I meandered and he left.

I'm not a pushover and I can't remember if I was wearing my USMC sweatshirt. He knew I was disturbed by him.

He must have sensed that I was sizing him up. You see he had a back pack and I thought he was thinking of shoplifting or perhaps waiting for a ride.

I followed the war closely and never saw any images of wanted terrorists. When I got home I saw the news and lo and behold I saw images of some young, Muslim men being sought by the FBI and the one you posted jumped out at me that day.

I told my family "I think I saw that guy!". I doubted myself because let's face it in S. Florida there's a ton of young, tan, black haired dudes that look shady. I have tan skin and black hair too!

So I called the N. Miami FBI office and told them what I saw. They said "Thank you" and I never heard from them again. Later I heard on the news the sought pigs had family in Miramar.

I'm still not sure if it was him. Had I seen his picture before or had the police notified local businesses he may have been caught.

I served in the Marine Infantry. Had I known it was him. He'd be caught/ horribly crippled at the least and dead at the very most.

These are supposed to be their best and toughest and yet this pig was rattled by a frozen food clerk, unknown to him was a Marine yet maybe he knew he would've lost.

midnight rider said...

There were similar incidents to yours in both Texas and (I think) Colorado or Idaho. A reported sighting and a thank you from the FBI. Michael Travis or Paul Williams would be better able to specify.

Michael Travis said...

An oldie but a goodie:

Anonymous said...


Great article you linked! The height of this terrorist is what had me second guessing. I'm 5'11" and the guy I was watching seemed the same height as me.

But do you think AQ would hold a nuke this long if they had it? Unless they have other attacks planned to coincide with a WMD attack?

I have this belief the next blow will be a combo of WMD, suicide and regular bombings and "commando" street fighting.

By the way AQ said they're going to give the Muslims a "gift' for Ramadan. The "gift" seem to imply a surprise. Ramadan ends Sept. 21.

Pastorius said...

If they do give a gift, Americans will wake up. That won't be good for the Jihadists.

Epaminondas said...

I heard Shukrijumah made the ultimate sacrifice to remain under cover.

He had a sex change operation (paid for by the USA in Denmark), and is now a blond lesbian rabbi jewish stripper, working for PETA and CODE PINK, and interns for Olberman

Pastorius said...

Dude, I know that chick. One of my friends "dated" her.