Saturday, October 10, 2009

Known by the Company We Keep

Khalid Abdul Muhammed was National Assistant to Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam and National Chairman of The New Black Panther Party. He had support from the likes of Al Sharpton, Keith Ellison and Cynthia McKinney.

Where does the latest Nobel Peace Prize Winner stand on the Nation of Islam and the New Black Panther Party?

Christian Soldier sent this to me.


christian soldier said...

Thank you for the h/t MR:-)

midnight rider said...

You're welcome nice lady :)

revereridesagain said...

Is it lack of sleep or do I seem to recall that McCain is out on the road with Sharpton these days?

What the hell is he thinking?

No point asking Obamakkhan about stuff like this. He will just mouth some conciliatory sounding jive about how he deplores such talk. Makes no difference that he soaked up the same sort of poison every Sunday for nearly half his life.

If you are ever tempted to doubt what the present administration is all about, have another look at this. This is the hate that poisons the minds of people who claim to represent the interests of all the citizens of this country. This explains the WTF outrages day in day out.

This should be thrown in their faces at every opportunity accompanied by demands for an explanation. Badger them with it, taunt them until you get an honest answer. Is this what they think? Is this what's in their hearts as they stand in the halls of our Congress? If so, is there any reason we should not think of Sharpton, Ellison, McKinney and anyone else who supports such people in any way as our enemies?

Anonymous said...

«Spencer: Obama Declares War on Free Speech
In Human Events today I discuss the latest bad news in the Obama Administration's ongoing quiet war against free speech:...»

midnight rider said...

Beat ya to it, anon. We have the full post below. . .

Got to get up pretty early to beat the Infidel worm. No, wait, stay up late to beat the. . .

hmmm. . .

not quite right either.

Ah, the hell with it. Drink alot and never sleep.

Unless, of course, the drink convinces you otherwise, in which case refer to rule 2, no, wait, rule 1, I think.

Aw shit, pour another. . .

Anonymous said...

This video has been taken down numerous times, I am surprised that this upload has been up so long.

Epaminondas said...

I scarfed this to hard disk.

You show this stuff to Obama voters and they look at you like you used Adobe Premiere to author the thing.

They simply cannot encompass what they actually voted for, and go into to reset mode limbo

Pastorius said...

Did you notice who put this video out?

It's the CofCC. As I remember, you consider them to be a white ethnic supremacist organization. I know nothing about them. But, if you say they are, I believe they probably are, cuz I think you are accurate and honest in your reporting and analysis.

However, I want to point something out. Even bad people can give you good information.

This is something CJ does not understand.

If Brussels Journal or GoV, for instance, dig up a story that no one else has, I'll try to find other sources for the story, and then if they exist, I will put out the story too.

This is an example. Here CofCC has done everyone a favor by making sure this video continues to be shown to the world.

And, MR has asked a very pertinent question, especially in light of

1) the Nobel prize,

2) Van Jones

3) the Cass Sunstein accusation that the reason America has not become Socialist is because white people are too racist.

revereridesagain said...

I had a look at their website and apparently we can add anti-semitic to the list. But the video speaks for itself, doesn't matter who is posting it.

Pastorius said...



Epaminondas said...

CofCC- TRUE.. just troll their site. They are the country club version of the KKK.

However, it's hard to argue with video.

He said it. He has support from places which should give all americans pause.

Those are facts.

Just because CofCC is scum doesn't mean they cannot be accurate SOMETIMES just as SPLC can be accurate after morphing into an outight sorosian bunch of morons.

Our job is to DISTINGUISH fact from opinion, hyperbole from rationality with as little passion as possible until we finish finding fact.

I think DOING THAT is something this site can always be proud of.

WITHOUT FEAR from any corner, or from finding unfavorable fact

Pastorius said...

Yes, I think we can be proud of that.

And, I'm glad you and I are in agreement on the SPLC. I know they did good work back in the day, but in my opinion, those days were LONG ago. I have had a deep dislike for them for a very long time. They have Sauron's unblinking eye trained on White Supremacism. There is no doubt there is White Supremacism out there.

However, I as a white person have been the victim of racist crime and incitement, and I'm guessing many white people have. But, does it get reported? No. Especially not by the SPLC.

And since 9/11, the SPLC has, to my knowledge, not reported on Islamic anti-Semitism or incitement AT ALL.

Pastorius said...

And, just in case anyone asks, that post the other day, (about the Mexican service person at Jack in the Box asking me if I wanted Ketchup on my Chorizo Burrito) WAS A JOKE.

I do not consider that incitement.

I consider being called names like "Honky", "Gringo", "Howlie", "fucking white boy", etc. incitement. I consider it incitement when a Korean person tisk tisks at me about the fact that my child is mixed-race.

In fact, I also consider it incitement when people when Asian people, Mexican people, white people, black people, or whatever, talk to me about "those Jews", or "the Niggers", or "those Gooks", or whatever.

In other words, racial incitement does not have to be directed at me. It is simply when any person of any race makes a racist remark about any other group of people.

I find them all equally offensive.

And no, by the way, I don't report them.

I hear racist remarks quite often, even in the business world.

Hell, I used to work in the Country Club business. That business is rife with racism. You wouldn't believe some of the shit I've heard and experienced.

Well not, I guess you would.

Anonymous said...

Ironically his head literally exploded because of the hate it was filled with

Pastorius said...

I was wondering how he died. He looked so young. But that explains it.

midnight rider said...

Yeah, exactly. He had an aneurism in the brain.

Ed Miller said...

Yes, kids, the good news is that this vermin is dead and gone.

He's been the emitting the "Eternal Scream" for just over 8 years now.


- pupista! (barking mad on the right)