Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Reminder: Islam's Deeds On American Soil

Bloviating Zeppelin has posted a list and a link to another list.

Bloviating Zeppelin commented:
Here is the Truth: the Ft Hood terrorist attack was the worst on American soil since 9/11.

And Mr Obama full well knows that any terror attack on American soil during his administration will doom him for a second term. Therefore, it is in his political best interest to craft and shape and mischaracterize any Islamist attack away from that focus and into the "isolated violent act" category with no reference to Islam whatsoever. Hence his current moves.

Those persons who died were disposable -- for Mr Obama's politics. You. Me. We would have been disposable as well. Do you realize how incredibly craven and disgusting that is?


revereridesagain said...

Sets up an interesting conundrum for the Islamists, doesn't it? So far, Hasan's action has shown the effectiveness of the personal jihad to the point where they're now challenging each other on the chat boards to go thou and do likewise. On the other hand, too many of these attacks and their hero Hussain really starts getting the hairy eyeball from the public on the subject of terrorism. What's a shahid to do? Stay tuned.

Anonymous said...

"Hairy eyeball" LOL!! That is great. I'm stealing it (with credit, of course.)

Over at Jaded Haven, Daphne used "scanty minds" when referring to liberals. Stealing that, too.
