Friday, January 15, 2010

Pat Condell On Anjem Choudhary


Ray Boyd said...

Condell's most powerfull message yet. hard hitting & to the point. Pity it won't be seen by all.

revereridesagain said...

Pat is a national treasure, Ray. He is utterly fearless about telling the truth. How well known is he in the UK?

Ray Boyd said...

Not by Joe Public of course, hard to judge where else but all his vids have huge viewing figures.

Damien said...

Ray Boyd,

I'm guessing his biggest fans are UK Atheists since he's said a few things highly critical of Christianity and Judaism as well. But reasonable religious people could still appreciate him standing up for their freedom, thus might get to like him. I myself believe God, and I don't dislike him at all.

Pastorius said...

I am a Christian and I support his right to criticize the hell out of my religion.
