Friday, March 19, 2010

Obama; The Best Thing Ever To Happen To America

I've been predicting since before Obama was elected that his Presidency would, ultimately, be a good thing for America, because his policy would be so far outside the American tradition that it would force a national debate on the subject of what America is all about.

We have seen this happen.

And yet, people have continued to predict nothing but doom and gloom while I have predicted nothing but eventual triumph.

Here's a writer who agrees with me:

Barack Obama is the best thing that has happened to America in the last 100 years. Truly, he is the savior of America 's future. He is the best thing ever.

Despite the fact that he has some of the lowest approval ratings among recent presidents, history will see Barack Obama as the source of America 's resurrection. Barack Obama has plunged the country into levels of debt that we could not have previously imagined; his efforts to nationalize health care have been met with fierce resistance nationwide; TARP bailouts and stimulus spending have shown little positive effect on the national economy; unemployment is unacceptably high and looks to remain that way for most of a decade; legacy entitlement programs have ballooned to unsustainable levels, and there is a seething anger in the populace. That's why Barack Obama is such a good thing for America.

Obama is the symbol of a creeping liberalism that has infected our society like a cancer for the last 100 years. Just as Hitler is the face of fascism, Obama will go down in history as the face of unchecked liberalism. The cancer metastasized to the point where it could no longer be ignored.

Average Americans who have quietly gone about their lives, earning a paycheck, contributing to their favorite charities, going to high school football games on Friday night, spending their weekends at the beach or on hunting trips — they've gotten off the fence. They've woken up. There is a level of political activism in this country that we haven't seen since the American Revolution, and Barack Obama has been the catalyst that has sparked a restructuring of the American political and social consciousness.


christian soldier said...

this is a poem -FROGGY - that I wrote for one of my very first posts...I was getting pressure to back mccain..I said no-no more lesser of two evils--we've been on a slow slide for 60-80 years ---we need an avalanche so people will wake up!!

Pastorius said...

So then, you were way ahead of the curve too.

Unfortunately, the link did not work. I'd like to read that.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate your optimism, truly I do. Unfortunately, Obama is part of a machine, a machine which is deeply embedded and threading further within the fabric of America's political/security/legislative structures.

During this tenure, all those new debts you mention are safely squirreled away for now. The msm will continue to veil, ignore, shut down dialogue or invent distractions for it's audiences while squirreled away funds purchase further influence to be broadcast to the masses. As the next voting cycle begins to ramp up, more of those squirreled away funds will suddenly surface as 'gimmes', placating "the average Americans who have quietly gone about their lives, earning a paycheck, contributing to their favorite charities, going to high school football games on Friday night, spending their weekends at the beach or on hunting trips" — and are about to get off the fence - to shut the dialogue down.
I really want to be optimistic but the folks I am acquainted with are either firmly perched on their fences or actively working to reverse the changes of "I won". Unfortunately, the fence sitters I'm familiar with are union, each with five or less years remaining before retirement. Though none of these folks are fans of Obama's policies, it will take a small miracle to move these folks off their perch.

revereridesagain said...

The question, as ever, is when will enough be enough? Until it impacts their own lives in clearly idenfiable and calamitous ways, most of the fence-sitters will continue to maintain their balance, however precarious.

Pastorius said...

Your comment hearkens me back to The Pardoners Tale by Chaucer.

Three thieves steal a tremendous amount of money, buy wine, and settle into a field to enjoy their spoils. Before you know it, their greed causes them to set upon one another.

In the end, no one gets the loot.

Anonymous said...

"In the end, no one gets the loot."

True. Now how do we illustrate this to the 'about to retire' union fence sitters?

These folks are convinced their union benefits are sacrosanct. Regardless of what happens to the average Joe, they believe their loyalty to their unions will keep them immune from the fallout of "I Won"'s policies.

Epaminondas said...

The damage done by the INSTITUTIONS created, or saved or strengthened by what is going on now, will FAR outstrip the rebound of constutionalism.

Consider the PC institutionalized in the armed forces which resulted in what we have seen in the last 6 months

Consider where the Dept of Education is right now, and what they accept as their fiat to act day in and day out, and the Dept during Dwight Eisenhower... 5000 people.

How many times in the last few months have you heard medicare described as a model to copy for a single payer system?

Obama KNOWS what he is doing.

It's no different from hearing Wilders being describes as a demagogic fascist by people WE THINK OF as conservatives.

The ground shifts and the bell curve is completely displaced.

Institutional empires will INSIST on accruing and keeping power. That's why the Constitution is written the way it is.

"And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?"

The banal, bland boiled frog rules deemed as the way of doing things, because that is the way the rules are.


SamenoKami said...

Pastorius, I understand where you are coming from with your tho't. I however, view it "like that suspicious spot that just popped up, which woke you up to the fact that you now have melanoma and not very long to live"

We are uber-screwed. After you've driven off the cliff, pushing the brake pedal to the floor does no good.

Pastorius said...


We shall see.

I imagine that means, if it turns out that I am right, no one is going to say, "Look at that, Pastorius was right."

SamenoKami said...

I'm not too proud to say you were right. I hope you are. I'm not in the mood for a civil war.
In your opinion when will I know/suspect you are right? Nov '10? Nov '12? If Odama's socialism/marxism is not 100% wiped from law by the next congress/POTUS, it won't matter. The commies will just wait until they are in power again and pick up where they left off. They never stop. They just wait-out the other side.

Always On Watch said...

Obama is the symbol of a creeping liberalism that has infected our society like a cancer for the last 100 years....The cancer metastasized to the point where it could no longer be ignored.

Well, maybe.

Still, a lot of damage is being done and will be done before Americans come to their senses about BHO.

I'm not as optimistic as Pastorius nor as pessimistic as Epa on this one.

cjk said...

I'm with Epaminondas. The country has been basically doing a two steps forward/three steps backwards since the 1960s.
My take includes all of his points, but being a believer that all power comes from above I would point out that this great nation never experienced millions of innocents aborted under the aegis of government protection coupled with the parading and embracing of perversity on a national scale while our historic morality and belief in The Creator is feverishly erased. Meanwhile those who resist this rewriting of history or oppose the moral crash are labeled as Yokels or bigots.
I hate to say it, but;

Pastorius said...

You say: They never stop.

I ask: Do you think their agenda was rolled back by Reagan, Thatcher, and to a lesser extent Clinton/1998 Congress (Welfare Reform) and Bush II (tax cuts)?

I think so.

As far as I can tell, there is always going to be a pendulum effect.

cjk said...

Like Poe's Pit and the Pendulum, however, the pendulum keeps going lower and lower...

jeppo said...

Obama beating McCain was a good thing: It's always better to have a real conservative opposition than a fake conservative government.

And the birth of the Tea Party movement has definitely been a good thing. A grassroots conservative movement like that could never have taken hold during a McCain administration. I'd like to see them get more serious about opposing illegal immigration though, and kick their self-appointed leader Dick "Amnesty" Armey to the curb.

But this upcoming vote on socialized healthcare is a real watershed moment for America. If it passes, it may end up being next to impossible to get rid of in the future. This is Obama's legacy issue, defeat it and he's already a lame duck, pass it and he's a once-in-a-generation transformative president.

If it is defeated then there truly is hope for the survival of individual liberty and (relatively) small government in the US. If it passes then America is on the fast track to becoming a European-style socialist state where the government controls 50%+ of the economy. Patriotic Americans have to make their voices heard loud and clear in the next couple of days and stop this monstrosity of a bill from becoming law.

Pastorius said...

Jeppo said: this upcoming vote on socialized healthcare is a real watershed moment for America. If it passes, it may end up being next to impossible to get rid of in the future.

I say: Hey, what do you know, Jeppo and I agree on something.


Pastorius said...

I raised the stakes by bringing in Chaucer.

Epa saw my Chaucer and raised it by Keats.

Cjk saw Epa's Keats and raised it by Poe.

This is getting ridiculous.

Well, I'll see your Poe and raise it by Moe:

Moe: I can't tell from the meter if the tank is half full or half empty.
--- The Three Stooges in Orbit 1962

SamenoKami said...

Do you think their agenda was rolled back...?
Not rolled back, more like slowed down. They never stop. They're like children that hound their parents for days and weeks (years?) on end to get what they want. It's a relentless, slow, grinding process and the 'conservatives' enter into the process, rather than saying not just NO! but HELL NO!!

Pastorius said...

Our agenda is to take government out of the lives of people.

We have succeed in that in Welfare Reform and the Reagan Revolution.

To the extent we succeeded, they would say we rolled back their progress.

You are seeing it only from the position of how you feel, which is threatened.

They feel threatened too, and sometimes we win, sometimes they win.

Pastorius said...

We also almost one reform on Social Security during the Bush years.

Epaminondas said...

Sorry Pasto, "I know you are, but what am I"

Pastorius said...

Oh yeah?

Well, I'm the rubber, and you're the glue. Everything you say bouces off me, and sticks to you.


Pastorius said...

Uh oh, I do believe we're stuck in a hall of echoes into eternity now, aren't we?

SamenoKami said...

Pasto - your problem is you're an optimist. :)
SSI reform? Close only counts with horseshoes and hand grenades.
I pray you are right. I, being the eternal pessimist, usually never go wrong betting on the stupidity of the American people to take the easy way out.
Let's do a rehash of this topic in 1st quarter 2011.

Pastorius said...


I trust you'll remind me, especially if it turns out you're right.
