Friday, May 14, 2010

Islam Does Not Mean Peace

An indispensable post from Bernie at Planch's Constant:

One of the greatest deceptions and just another Islamic myth that Muslims foist on the kuffar (dirty infidels) is that Islam means peace. It does not. It never did. And it never will. A number of commenters in response to my article 13 Beautiful Muslim Women protested that true Muslims could not throw acid into a woman's face because, they allege, Islam means peace.

I responded:

Islam does not mean peace, it means submission just as Muslim means "one who submits" to God. Yes, the triliteral SLM [in Arabic] also means peace but not in the context of religion just as catholic means liberal or comprehensive but not in the religious sense.

But no Catholic would tell another person that Catholic means liberal because that would be deceptive and inaccurate.

Two kinds of Muslims parrot this "Islam means peace" nonsense:

  1. Those who do not speak Arabic, or are poorly educated or who recently converted who were taught this lie.

  2. Those who do know Arabic but practice al-Taqiyya, religion-sanctioned lying and deception for the benefit of Islam.
Those who are expert in pre-Islamic history know that the Semitic root SLM originally was used thousands of years BC with the meaning of safe or at peace.

... when used between unequals as between slave and master, loser and winner, supplicant and God, another SLM root covers the meaning of submission. For example, Musalam means "undisputed." Muslim means "One who submits." Islam means "submission to another." With regard to religion, Islam means submission to Allah and a Muslim is one who submits to Allah." Islam does not mean peace nor does Muslim mean "one who is peaceful."

When Mohammed sent letters to all the tribes not yet under his rule he ended the missives with "surrender and you will be safe." Which, to give you the taste of that pun in English: "MSLM (submit) and be SLM (safe)." Or in plain English: "Surrender or die."

In only that sense, does Islam mean peace, submit - and the result will be peace. Otherwise there is no peace.

It should be noted that the definition of submission in English when used in the context of one surrendering to another implies acceptance with fear. Which is exactly how Islam rules: by fear rather than by love. One cannot break the bonds of submission except at the pain of death.

While it is true that many American Muslims have been able to become non-Muslim without getting themselves killed, that is true only because the proportion of Muslims to non-Muslims is small. Every country with a few Muslims eventually becomes almost 99.99% Muslim, unless the Muslims are thrown out as they were in the Reconquista. Certainly one cannot become an unbeliever in a Muslim-majority country without getting his ass fatwahed.

Real Muslims do not believe that Islam means peace. CBN News traveled to London to talk with Anjem Choudary, a leading Muslim radical:

Jihad Watch, Anjem Choudary: "Islam does not mean peace. Islam means submission."

Although both George W. Bush and Barack Obama have declared that Islam is a religion of peace, Choudary begs to differ.

A Religion of Peace?

"You can't say that Islam is a religion of peace," Choudary told CBN News. "Because Islam does not mean peace. Islam means submission. So the Muslim is one who submits. There is a place for violence in Islam. There is a place for jihad in Islam."


abdooss said...

What are your credentials in this area, besides being internet-savvy?

Pastorius said...

If you disagree with the definitions, then you can give us your own, right?

abdooss said...

You are becoming more like Dag - answering a Qustion with another Question. If you didn't wished to be questioned or if you prefered your readers not to disagree with you, you should avoid posting it. That's my take..

Pastorius said...

I post information which I find to be credible based upon the fact that I have read the information from multiple sources.

This is information which I have read from multiple sources.

If you think about it, that is how we come upon everything that we think of as knowledge.

If you know of other information, and you feel it is important, then you ought to post it.

abdooss said...

It seemed you choose to believe whatever you liked.

Eg No. 1 = In your previus blog, I have stated that to insult any Prophet is a Sin in Islam. You countered that it was my God given right to insult anyone, including Jesus. Surely you didn't search far enough to find out that a few Muslims in India, died while protesting the show of a movie about Jesus.

No. 2 = You (and others) believe Obama is a Muslim. Seriously?

Pastorius said...

If you disagree with me, provide some other information. Don't come here and attack me personally.

There's no reason for that.

I'm civil with you.

That some Muslims would defend Jesus does not change my belief in Freedom of Speech/Conscience.

Muslims have a completely different set of beliefs about Jesus than do Christians. Therefore, Muslims and Christians do not even believe in the same Jesus. It's two different people.

And, one is God and the other is a "prophet".

Yours is the prophet Jesus. Ours is the only begotten Son of God.

That's two entirely different entities.

Pastorius said...

To answer your second question; do I think Obama is a Muslim. No, I think he is something else. He is not a Christian in the strict sense. He seems to be a new breed of ecumenical Christian who believes in the tenets of both Islam and Christianity. Some people have coined a phrase for this; Chrislam.

His church shares a brotherhood with the man they call "The Reverend Louis Farrakhan."

Louis Farrakhan is a leader of an organization called the Nation of Islam which preaches a brand of Afro-centric Islam. Farrakhan is an anti-Semite, and a America-hater. The Nation of Islam literally believes that the white man is "the devil", or a devil, who was created by an evil scientist in a laboratory.

Now, I am aware that these are not the tenets of Islam. This is another form of Islam.

Adherents of the Nation of Islam do, however, believe in the Koran, so they are Muslims.

Pastorius said...

They're just another brand of Islam, the same way Sufism is another branch of Islam, and Mormonism is another branch of Christianity.