Saturday, August 21, 2010

9-11 Museum being built, but should it be underground?

The Philadelphia Bulletin writes about the construction of the 9-11 museum, which is taking place 70 feet below ground.

While this is a very good article for reading, it did make me wonder - should this really be below ground, if I'm reading this correctly? I assume there will be a special structure that'll be located above ground from where you enter, but even so, this is a very challenging question about if this should really be underground.


Unknown said...

Hi Avi.
From what i read:"The $45 million museum occupies about 120,000 square feet beneath the 8-acre memorial plaza, the centerpiece of which is “Reflecting Absence,” two square reflecting pools set above the footprints of the north and south towers."You got there quite a bit of space and if exploited in the right way it might be great.On the question should it be underground,when you visit The Louvre in Paris you also see that quite a bit of the collection is underground it's an ingenious way of using more available space.Again i think they did the right thing.

Anonymous said...

Avi, the tower, the "Freedom Tower" was recently renamed OneWTC - earily resembling the recent renaming of "Cordoba Initiative as "Park51". Does this matter? Well, consider the fact that:
1. Company">FoxNews recently reported the Port Authority of NY & NJ were accepting bids to manage this project, and at the time, ME interests were the high bidders.
2. Atlas reported: Bin Laden/Al Qaeda Funding Ground Zero Mosque Imam Rauf
3. Who's who at Ground Zero planning

Let me delve a little into the PC circus of point 3:
a scholar and charity head appointed to President Obama's White House Fellowships Commission is closely tied to the Muslim leaders behind this proposed controversial Islamic
cultural center to be built near the site of the Sept. 11 attacks. The White House fellow, Vartan Gregorian, is president of Carnegie Corp.of New York.
Gregorian also serves on the board of the Sept. 11 Memorial and Museum. The museum is reportedly working with the American Society for Muslim Advancement, whose leaders are behind the mosque, to ensure the future museum will represent the voices of American Muslims.

As this butt kissing back door dealing was going on, Bloomberg">Mayor Bloomberg was cuting his on deals expanding his LLC financial center in Dubai.
continued. . .

Black_ Rain said...

at least they couldn't blow it up again.. where else could they put it in NY.. maybe the Cordoba Mosque will host it in their tower..??

Anonymous said...

Got that . . .the museum assures it will represent the voice of muslims. Ever wonder why it was worth Bloomberg buying a third term? With the billions of dollars involved in the WTC rebuilding effort and the stealth jihad/triumphalist stain on the horizon. . .this should all come into focus soon. Now that we've got Bloomberg and company's priority's cleared up . . .let's focus in on that little detail about the memorial placement below grade - 70 feet below grade - ME interests (mgmt) keeping the image of the horrors of 9/11/2001 dead and buried, completely out of sight of pedestrian traffic. This also satisfies the sensitivities of the local Park51 foot traffic - the museum concealed well below grade eliminates ready connection between terror, violence and enmity for the infidel and Islam. Well, maybe not the enmity, as these devout will no doubt take every opportunity to impress their filthy soles stomping upon the graves of the 9/11 victims as well as those visiting this memorial in this ME managed building.
I'm sure you are aware that Faisel Rauf strongly supports sharia. If you've read Bat Ye'or's works on dhimmitude you may also be familiar with the following sharia rules for dhimmis:
via Bat Ye’or’s book “The Dhimmi” ( @ googlebooks online – ) -read (page 179 -

” (b) prohibiting the construction of buildings higher than those of the Muslims. They should be only of equal height, or lower” etc. and then go on to read page 193 – “all dhimmis who owned a shop near that of a Muslim, should lower their mastaba (ground floor) so that those of the Muslims would be higher.”

Anonymous said...

Getting back to explaining what relation sharia has to the museum.

In recent negotiations, the Port Authority NYNJ cut the size of the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, the only church destroyed in this act of war cut it’s size slightly and told church officials that its dome could not rise higher than the trade center memorial.
It was inevitable then, for those that are keenly aware that the church could not possibly build a dome which sat lower than 70 feet below grade, and it would eventually be denied permission to rebuild. (link
So, when the 'other' GZ mosque Masjid Manhattan [quote]". . .displayed a banner on its website stating: Build the “House of Allah” next to the World Trade Center ! Help us raise he flag of “LA ILLAHA ILLA ALLAH” ! "
another black flag was hoisted right in front of everyone's nose, only to be overlooked as readily as the gullible are ready to overlook the reason for the museum being buried below and out of sight of muslim sensibilities while, as in any other muslim controlled arena, churches are denied permission to repair or rebuild.
Politically correct madness merges with stealth jihad and Islamic triumphalism. God help us.