Saturday, August 07, 2010

Aubamica in AurOville

Welcome to Auroville/Oroville, also known as AurOville. Lovely place, and it's the people who make it so. It's Ameridicherry as only Aubama can make it. You're going to love it, and be loved by it.

Yeah, some things have changed since I was a boy. I remember when the town was just a stop on the highway, a place to pull in to buy a box of cherries or peaches or whatever was in season in this wonderful aurchard land. I liked watching out the car window to see the rattle snakes coiled up on the roadside to get the heat from the pavement before the full sunrise woke them up to slither off back into the desert to bite rodents and such snake-tasties. I liked the cherries and the peaches particularly, though the snakes were excellent too. I didn't realize that in time to come all would be one in a basket of cosmic awareness of The Great Motherhood.

Shows what I know. America just ain't what it used to be. Some call it progress. I call it really confusing. I mean, "Really confusing, man." A trip down Memory Lane with me? I need someone to hold my hand on this on.

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