Friday, November 26, 2010

China Protests U.S.-South Korea Exercises 

China needs to shut their fucking mouths or be taught a lesson. 

Too bad we have such a fucking pussy for a President.


Always On Watch said...

They won't shut up. Why should they? Who's going to make them shut up? Certainly not BHO. He's, no doubt, also worried that China will start asking for our debt payments in gold instead of the U.S. dollar.

China holds all the advantage at the moment.

revereridesagain said...

Ah, that explains that thump I heard earlier: the other shoe dropped.

As VDH notes below and has often been predicted here, this marxist/racist/islamist/pussy-posing-as-a-man is going to get us all killed. Well, maybe not all, but things don't look promising for our 39,000 troops in NoSoKo, otherwise known as The Speed Bump.

My only disagreement with VDH is I think he's projecting onto Obummah a benevolence that is not there. Ozero isn't seeking utopia. He's seeking revenge against the whole of Western Civilization for sins past and present, real and imaginary. The resulting dystopia would be much more to his liking.

Always On Watch said...

My only disagreement with VDH is I think he's projecting onto Obummah a benevolence that is not there.

I agree with you on that.