Friday, December 03, 2010

My Immortal Beloved just told me about a conversation I'm not supposed to know about that daughter #3 had at school.

In their Social Studies class (or whatever it's called these days):

Teacher: Should they extend unemployment benefits or not?

Student (friend of my daughter): No they shouldn't because those people (those people?!) are just lazy and don't want to work.

Daughter #3: THAT'S NOT TRUE. My daddy is unemployed and wants to work but he can't find a job.

Student (turns around): I didn't mean you.

She told my wife she felt like crying and, indeed, did cry herself to sleep last night with worry.

How will America dig out of this hole as long as attitudes like that remain? I don't blame the kid, she probably heard it from her parents.

And that makes it worse.


Unknown said...

Hi Midnight.
If it is any consolation the exact same comment can be heard in Europe.
As i have said for more then 20 years now cheap labor is the death of Europe and America,they can produce at rates no decent business man can counter.The fault lays with the goverments by letting these cheap products loose on the market ,their shortsightedness has condemmed the future of the American worker and European worker.And yes kids only repeat what they hear from their parents,any person withhalf a brain knows the unemployed are not to blame.

Daphne said...

That made my heart hurt.

Epaminondas said...

How they can let unemployment compensation go adrift, when the unemployment rate defies their STUPID STUPID efforts and goes up THAT DAY, while 3/4 of a TRILLION in TARP money is undedicated, is a symptom of a government at a loss, doesn't work for the people and in need of an horrific shake up.


Pastorius said...

When unemployment was 5%, I would have agreed that most people who didn't have a job, simply did not want one bad enough.

Now, with unemployment, according to 60 Minutes, at 17% nationally, and with many people like me making 1/4 to 1/5 of what we used to make, I don't believe it is at all true.

Think about it, when a guy like me takes a job for 1/5 of what he used to make, that means one less job for the type of guy who used to have that job.

Our economy is a complete fucking wreck, and it's all Obama's fault.

Anonymous said...

poor chickypants :( i wish i could help you guys more.
