Saturday, February 19, 2011

Google's Wael Ghonim Just Another "Moderate Muslim"?

No fucking surprise, is it?

Why Does Google's Wael Ghonim Heart Radical Sheikh Qaradawi?

Poster boy of Egypt revolution, Google's ME person, Wael Ghonim tweet yesterday
GhonimI loved Sheikh Qaradawi Khutbah today. Was truly inspired when he said: Today I'm going to address both Muslims and Christians. Respect! about 20 hours ago
Respect my arse, also in Arabic:
Ghonim سعدت بحضور خطبة الشيخ القرضاوي اليوم وأكثر ما أعجبني فيها قوله: لن أقول أيها المسلمون بل سأقول أيها المسلمون وأيها الأقباط لأن كلنا مصريون
Googlish translate:
The pleasure of the presence of a sermon of Sheikh Qaradawi Today, more than what I liked where he said: I will not say but I will say O Muslims, O Muslims and Copts, because you are all Egyptians
Go read the whole thing at Jawa Report.


Pastorius said...

Fuck Wael Ghonim.

May God expose him and anyone who supports him.

Pastorius said...

Unless he is tremendously ignorant, then he is evil.

If he does not have basic knowledge of Qaradawi then he is in so far over his head he might as well be freaking Lindsay Lohan trying to save the day in Egypt.