Friday, February 04, 2011

HAARETZ (no less) -” the acceleration of the decline of the West”

I thought that is what they wanted?

The old order in the Middle East is crumbling. Just as the officers’ revolution in the 1950s brought down the Arab monarchism that had relied on the colonial powers, the 2011 revolution in the square is bringing down the Arab tyrants who were dependent on the United States.

The second process is the acceleration of the decline of the West. For some 60 years the West gave the world imperfect but stable order. It built a kind of post-imperial empire that promised relative quiet and maximum peace. The rise of China, India, Brazil and Russia, like the economic crisis in the United States, has made it clear that the empire is beginning to fade.

And yet, the West has maintained a sort of international hegemony. Just as no replacement has been found for the dollar, none has been found for North Atlantic leadership. But Western countries’ poor handling of the Middle East proves they are no longer leaders. Right before our eyes the superpowers are turning into palaver powers.

I agree, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe ‘he’s no dictator’ Biden, ARE NO LEADERS. I mean, in Oct 2001 Joe Biden according to an interview with his staff and committee members by the New Republic (not exactly a bastion of right wing foaming), wanted to send big fat checks ti Iran to prove we were not in a war against Islam.

Read it all.

Isn’t it interesting how possible extinction suddenly concentrates the mind and reveals the clear reality beneath **high falutin’** thought?


Silverfiddle said...

Not to cut Obama and his peeps too much slack, but this Middle Eastern Old Order was put in place by realists back before he was born.

The muslims of those lands haven't even begun. They've never had a devastating ass-kicking and they stubbornly refuse to see reality, so they well continue to be mired in their failed culture. We should get out of the way.

Pastorius said...

If we follow your advice, Silverfiddle, we'd better get right quick to mining that Shale oil in the Colorado Rockies. And we'd better start in on Alaska and South Dakota/Montana as well.

Oil will be $200 in your scheme. Not that it is the wrong way to handle things.

Epaminondas said...

SF, as long as we intend to do business overseas, THERE IS NO GETTING OUT OF THE WAY.

Pasto is right, at level one. Even with the USA not using THAT MUCH gulf oil, the price will destroy the economy.