Friday, March 18, 2011

Former Muslims Excluded From King Hearings

Nonie Darwish says, We Should Have Been Invited To Tell Our Story

From Front Page:
I have admiration and respect for Congressman Peter King and I salute him for holding hearings on the “Extent of Radicalization in the American Muslim Community and that Community’s Response.” However, as a former Muslim I have not seen anyone testifying on our behalf in the hearings.
At least one former Muslims should have been there to tell America of our plight. To tell them why we left Islam right here in America. How we had to choose between Islam and loving America. How radicals and jihadists followed us right here after we immigrated to the US to try to force us back into the same old culture of jihad, hatred and anti-Semitism — that we had escaped from in the first place. How radicals who want to deny us our freedom of religion under the US constitution threaten our lives and civil rights daily.

Most former Muslims in the US started by going to mosques but we soon discovered a political and jihadist agenda. In mosques I was told not to assimilate in America, to have more children and to wear Islamic clothes even though I never wore it in the Middle East before coming to the US.
Go read the whole thing.


Anonymous said...

Anyone else think that image may be unnecessarily alarming to Rifka should she see it now?

I'm concerned she recover from the health scare which unfolded towards the end of her case. And yes, I do realize the threat was real. . . no expiration date posted anywhere that I'm aware of - but a photo of the Said sisters would have been just as effective.

Just my 2cents.

Pastorius said...

Hmm, that's an interesting point.

Well this image has been seen by 100,000's of people by now. And, I'm sure the other bloggers have not taken it down from the previous posts.