Saturday, October 15, 2011

Yes, that’s what Ivan Drago meant when he told Rocky ‘I must break you’

Sorry, but this is now totally off the wall stuff.

Ed Schultz says Cain is doing well BECAUSE he is set up for whites who hate blacks? Schultz must be the world champion at Twister.

Schultz says ‘break’ is a ‘southern racist term’

Ed Schultz, host of MSNBC’s the Ed Show, believes that Republican presidential contender Herman Cain is pandering to “white Republicans out there who don’t like black folks” and accused Sen. Jim Demint, R-S.C., of using racist langauge in his opposition to Obamacare.

On his show last night, Schultz said that Demint, whom Cain has mentioned as a potential running mate, repeated an “old southern racist term when talking about defeating President Obama during the health care debate.” Schultz’s example? He quoted Demint saying that “If we are able to stop Obama on this [health care law], it will be his Waterloo. It will break him.” For clarity, Schultz repeated the offending line, “It will break him.”

Dr. James Peterson, director of Africana studies at Lehigh University, explained that “break” is a racist verb, “a term that was used to destroy, mentally and physically, slaves.” Accordingly, the Demint line demonstrated “how dark some of these racial discourses can be in presidential politics.” Peterson said that Cain, by naming Demint as a possible VP pick, “gives those folks a pass” on racism.

Peterson’s claim echoed and extended Schultz’s conclusion the previous evening that Cain, a black Republican, is appealing to white racists in order to win the Republican primary. “You think about white Republicans who don’t like black folks,” Schultz explained. “It’s almost as if this guy is trying to warm up to them and tell them what they want to hear.”

Schultz cited Cain’s belief that education gaps, rather than racism, accounts for the poverty and unemployment among black Americans. Then, Schultz asked his guest if Cain “is doing a disservice to his race” by denying that “racism in this country today holds anybody back in a big way.”

Georgetown professor Michael Eric Dyson agreed with Schultz’s suggestion and accused Cain of denying racism for the sake of his “great machinery of self-promotion.” Dyson said that Cain should especially recognize “post-intentional racism” - racism that people don’t intend to have or to act upon.

“post-intentional racism” ,,, you don;t intend to have it, and don't know you have and there's no evidence of it except for those who accuse you..... A THOUGHT CRIME?

The desperation is PALPABLE.



1 comment:

Pastorius said...

The desperation is palpable.


It seems that the incidences of "racism" are increasing in frequency the worse Obama's result are.