Friday, December 16, 2011

Cracking the Foundation Of American Liberty

If you don't already realize it, the measure passed yesterday all but scuppers the Bill of Rights. Off the top of my head the First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth can ALL be swept aside and denied to American Citizens if they are deemed to be substantially supportive of Al Qaida and their ilk.

As Rep McClintock states in the video, does that mean if you link to a site that links to a site that links to a site that links to an extremist site is that substantially supportive? If so then we are guilty of it here. But we don't know, it is not define. And the time and place to define that is not AFTER someone has been rounded up and indefinitely detained.

This is not a slippery slope. It is a landslide threatening to engulf your Constitutionally protected Freedoms.

This could make Waco and Ruby Ridge look like a sandlot scuffle.

Thanks Will:

Want to know how your congresscritter voted on this nonsense? go here then be sure to let them know how you feel.


Epaminondas said...

This law, similar in nature to what Abraham Lincoln did 61-65, is a danger to the USA.
Just as that was.
The self arrogated right to imprison at will, really, ended with Lee's surrender.
Google "Vallandigham" and General Charles Stone
Adams tried something similar with Alien and Sedition, so this is not our 1st dance with this shit.

One these times we are going to leave ourselves in trouble.
One of these times this is going to be used as Richard Nixon might have used it, and as some of Obama's people view the 'real' threat.

This is clearly unconstitutional, and dangerous.
Rand Paul is right

The big govt is a bigger threat to the nation than Al Qaeda.

With our own arrows.....

Always On Watch said...

i agree with Epa.

I linked to this at my site and said:

Typically, those of an opposing political party get downright paranoid at times. We see both the Right and the Left decrying an executive of the opposite political party as "Stalin!" and "Hitler!" All of us have observed and even participated in such rhetoric for several years now.

Here is my question to my readers: Is it paranoia to be concerned about this piece of legislation that potentially shreds our Constitution?

Obviously, that's a loaded question, and you can tell what I think.

And is it out of the realm of possibility that Obama might define dissenters to his policies and his opponents as "terrorists"? Hell, he's already explicitly stated that his administration will go ahead and "fix" this country without Congressional action.

We are living in surreal times.

The best we can hope for is to vote Obama and his critters out in 2012.

But the media keeps hammering away at every single leading GOP candidate.

And the GOP is shooting itself in the foot.

In fact, the voters who oppose Obama are so divided that I wonder if they can EVER unite behind the GOP candidate, whoever that turns out to be. A split vote (God deliver us from third-party candidates in 2012!) will put Obama right back into the Oval Office. If that happens, it's "Goodbye, free America." Hell, it might even be goodbye even if Obama doesn't get re-elected.

Anonymous said...

The only thing that separates us from martial law is the 2012 election.