Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Iran Deal ? A is A

There are 2 possible reasons to TRY to reach a deal with Iran

I assume the first is to avoid the outbreak of a regional war of incalculable results brought on by an Israeli attack (over CERTAIN American opposition, as we can now see).

The second is that American interests are served by a deal, without regard to American allies of any stripe.

I have read appropriately 12 articles in places such  The American Interest, Foreign Policy, the Naval Institute and other places as well as links from ReaClearDefense, RealClearPolitics, and RealClearWorld. There has been an avalanche of articles in the last 7-10 days all trying to explain why this deal is a good thing and is realistic.

They all ignore 1 thing.

They ignore the will of the Israeli people as expressed in their REPEATED elections.
If their representative govt does not feel the result of any deal leaves the people SECURE in their daily lives, the Israelis will fight.
Nothing else matters. Any deal we make for our own purposes will be gone.

As we all have coffee this morning I am SURE the Iranians will not make any deal which will decrease their sovereignty regarding inspections or their right to refine U-235. That alone makes an agreement difficult if not impossible if it is to be REAL. But when the object of our action is a deal, NOT THE SECURITY of the result, one can easily end up with the opposite of one's desire.

Sudetenland. Oslo. Wye.

In this case, though, no matter what we identify as OUR interest as defined by OUR elected govt, we cannot achieve that objective if Israel looks at this deal (where they are NOT represented, btw) and says NO. That is because they are the ACTOR.

We can jam it down their throats, or try via warnings about military supply and deals, but their safety and existence trump such warnings. And they are not without final recourse, especially as we look astonished at the sight of Likud and the Wahabbis in agreement and some kind of cooperation if not alliance, or as we think about their drones, their technology, their AEW systems, all of which are desired by nations inimical to the USA and its people.

But most worrisome is the arrogant way this president conducts himself in all things. The most blatant example is, of course, Obamacare. No cooperation from the loyal opposition because no realistic compromise was acceptable.

We thus find ourselves with a president and an administration who can reach out to the most racist, dictatorial, and repressive regimes on the planet with real and dangerous compromises, but who cannot reach any with Americans, and their allies.


The Israelis WILL ATTACK, if the deal is not sufficient, and do so in some rather unexpected manner, and in doing so place the USA forever away from them and thus upset in every way all that has been built since 1948.

And I am talking about NATO and it's worldwide bridgework of cooperation, NOT Israel.

Why is this not clear?


Pastorius said...

Here's the thing, I am a Christian American. I am Patriotic. I believe in America.

But, if America is going to join the evil side, then I will root for the good guys NO MATTER WHO THEY ARE.

I will not root for America.

My Patriotism has always rested on real morality, a body of moral ideals upon which I try to live and upon which America has attempted to act.

If we no longer act upon those ideals, then we are no better than any other group of people.

This is the Post-American world.

Fuck Obama.

Epaminondas said...

Irony alert: Obama is doing the things he does because he believes "we are no better than any other group of people." thus he commits acts which PROVE IT

Pastorius said...

A very good point.

Charles Martel said...

You say "They ignore the will of the Israeli people as expressed ..." Agreed, that's important. But more basic is our survival instinct, which this administration lacks. Making deals with Iran is making deals with the devil. Mohammad instructed that treaties are to be used in the pursuit of the advance of Islam, and to be broken when convenient. The Iranians are convinced the Madhi is already here, and they need to destroy Israel before his public appearance. Being the Big Satan, how can we possibly consider making deals with these savages?