Saturday, February 08, 2014

Black People Organize In Portland To Make Sure Trader Joe's Doesn't Open Store Because It Will Attract Too Many White People, Want More Welfare Instead

All black people all over the nation should be organizing to protest these ignorant, racist Blackfolk in Portland.

This is so scummy.

From the Oregonian:
The surprise death this week of the Portland Development Commission's deal to bring Trader Joe's to a vacant lot in Northeast Portland brought unprecedented attention to an African-American group with little name recognition. 
The first that many people had heard of the Portland African American Leadership Forum was its scathing letter to the media and PDC in December, accusing the urban renewal agency of perpetuating gentrification in what used to be majority black neighborhoods. The group demanded the $8 million Trader Joe's project be halted or reconstituted with the addition of affordable housing.
"Gentrification" = White People

"Affordable Housing" = Homes built for poor people and rented out at lower-than-market-value, or in other words, WELFARE.

These Black People in Portland are truly an embarrassment to Black People all over the country.

It's as if this is a comedy sketch, but they are fucking serious.


Anonymous said...

Since WHEN are black people
embarrassed by their brethren's
gib-me-dat behavior? List one example of blacks publicly protesting that behavior.
You're just another enabling
white idiot.

Pastorius said...

I guess you have reason to hate me.
