Saturday, February 01, 2014

How wars begin: CHAPTER 2618

First comes an expanding navy backed by the profits and taxes shriven from increased production.
Then comes the shipborne disputes over uninhabited islands which MAY be sitting on huge reserves of oil and gas.
Then comes the ADIZ by China and attempts to ENFORCE Chinese sovereignty. 
Then comes US advice to all US airlines to COMPLY with the Chinese demands.
Then comes the Japanese public disgust and chagrin with the USA by their govt as THEY expand their navy with carrier which CAN PHYSICALLY operate the F-35’s.
Then comes the announcement that Japan for the first time since the 1930’s, will have a National Security Council (this week).
And now, …

New Japanese Teaching Guidelines Treat Senkakus, Kurils, Takeshima As ‘Integral Territories’

1 comment:

Pastorius said...

America is a force for stupidity and defeatism.