Friday, June 06, 2014

“Whenever the world makes you cynical, stop and think of these men”

Barack Obama, speaking of the men who came ashore 70 yrs ago today, in Normandy a few moments ago.
But ‘these men’ were not educated by the Howard Zinn’s, and Bill Ayers, and Eric Foner’s.
'These men' were not immersed in news about how bad we are by every single visual broadcast entity.
'These men' were not reading the Nation, or Mother Jones, or Salon.
'These men' were not watching a president warn them that we were doing too much in the world.
'These men' were not being told over and over that if you have money you are against the rest and of the 1%
These men BELIEVED in something.
These men BELONGED to something.
These men could identify evil even if their own lives were not perfect.
These men were not afraid to call it evil in an imperfect world.
These men were taught to FIGHT for the American ideal, and the American dream, and KNEW the nation, their families, their friends and their friends families held them in their hearts.
These men were a different team and thank god for them all.
What are we taught? What have WE learned?
What is our national team?
When I think of these men, and I think of today, so sorry, but I am made MORE cynical, and most angry.


Unknown said...

They were God fearing men as well.

Well written Epa.

Anonymous said...

"These men" are rightly called The Greatest Generation. In the current generation, what kind of man volunteers to serve the kind of Commander in Chief that we currently have?

I would say, either men who are so selfless that they serve despite how they will be treated, or men who see the current atmosphere as giving them a place they can get ahead and for them to claw their way to the top.

When F.A. Hayek wrote his timeless book, The Road to Serfdom, chapter ten was titled, Why the Worst Get on Top. Hayek's chapter is not so much a prediction as an explanation of the natural results that flow from the way a totalitarian (socialist) government operates.

Read it for yourself:

The Road to Serfdom,
Chapter Ten, Why the Worst Get on Top:

-- theBuckWheat

Pastorius said...

Thanks, Epa. Well done.