Friday, July 04, 2014

Peggy Noonan: Barack Obama's Presidency is "Unprecedented, Dangerous, and Deeply Strange"

I think my wife would say the same thing of my massive manhood, but of course, it has little to do with politics.

From the WSJ:
I don't know if we sufficiently understand how weird and strange, how historically unparalleled, this presidency has become.
I'm not sure people are noticing the sheer strangeness of how the president is responding to the lack of success around him.... 
In a truly stunning piece in early June, Politico's Carrie Budoff Brown and Jennifer Epstein interviewed many around the president and reported a general feeling that events have left him—well, changed. 
He is "taking fuller advantage of the perquisites of office," such as hosting "star-studded dinners that sometimes go on well past midnight." He travels, leaving the White House more in the first half of 2014 than any other time of his presidency except his re-election year. He enjoys talking to athletes and celebrities, not grubby politicians, even members of his own party. He is above it all. 
On his state trip to Italy in the spring, he asked to spend time with "interesting Italians." They were wealthy, famous. The dinner went for four hours. The next morning his staff were briefing him for a "60 Minutes" interview about Ukraine and health care. "One aide paraphrased Obama's response: 'Just last night I was talking about life and art, big interesting things, and now we're back to the minuscule things on politics.''' 
Minuscule? Politics is his job. 
It is weird to have a president who has given up. So many young journalists diligently covering this White House, especially those for whom it is their first, think what they're seeing is normal. 
It is not. 
It is unprecedented and deeply strange. And, because the world is watching and calculating, unbelievably dangerous.


Anonymous said...

I don't think he's been unsuccessful in his and his handlers' eyes.

He has:
Made the other two branches of the government impotent and irrelevant

Completed the division of the country into warring grievance groups particularity rich vs poor, black vs white, religious vs secular, gay vs straight

Instituted election fraud as a successful SOP for democrats

Ingrained Alinsky tactics of targeting and isolating any and all political opponents

Destroyed the military through purging of high-ranking officers who oppose him, changing rules of engagement leaving soldiers unable to defend themselvesa, and tearing up morale by ending DADT

He has redistributed wealth from the American middle class to 3rd world countries as well as his political cronies in the US all the while blaming the "rich" on the state of the economy

Taken over health care - over 1/6th of the US economy

Increased those relying on the government for jobs or just plain ole sustenance in numbers unseen ever in our history

Completely negated our southern border

Lavished himself and his family on everything their selfish appetites desire on taxpayer expense

Militarized the police forces throughout the US as his Attorney General lables returning war veterans, prolife people, constitutionally-minded people, and Christians as domestic terrorists

Funded and armed Al Qaeda with nary a peep from the media, State Dept, etc.Al Qaeda now controls more real estate than ever before

Brought Cloward and Piven strategy to fruition

Pastorius said...


I do not agree with Noonan.

Still, I think her article shows that even people who used to support Obama (yes, that's right, Noonan supported Obama)

are now starting to believe there is something horribly strange about him.

Someone like you or I, we believe he does it on purpose.

Noonan, who used to support him, believes he is just historically strange.

Whatever, I guess.