Friday, September 05, 2014

Dateline The Western World - Our Governments Are SCUM!

Ingrid Loyau-Kennett, 49, became a national treasure after she intervened to help police who were called to the scene of the Lee Rigby killing in Woolwich, London, in May 2013. Her actions led to a wave of praise throughout the country. 
The next day, David Cameron stood outside No  10 to salute her courage, while the French government recognised Ms Loyau-Kennett's bravery with a medal. But not everyone reacted positively to Ms Loyau-Kennett's actions. 
The half-French divorced mother-of-two, who was formerly a teacher, said the publicity made her a target of abuse from youngsters living on her housing estate in Helston, Cornwall. She said they had picked on her since she moved to the area, due to her French accent, but the television appearances had made things worse. 
In October 2013, a group of young boys began pelting her Ms Loyau-Kennett's three-bedroom house, where she lives alone, with eggs and stones. When she went outside to reprimand them, she claims police threatened to arrest her for breach of the peace. 
Ms Loyau-Kennett said was so traumatised by the incident that she fainted and an ambulance had to be called, she said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The new Gulag state.