Friday, February 20, 2015

VIDEO: White House Dawah Summit on Countering jihadViolent Extremism Opens With Muslim Prayer – No Other Faiths Represented

From Pamela Geller:
This is not a counter-jihad summit, this is a come to Islam summit. Dawah at the most executive level of the US government. This is an official surrender to Islam, with all the pomp and circumstance of the Executive branch. 


Anonymous said...

GalliaWatch: 371 Attacks on French Soldiers
Since January 15 the French army's "Opération Sentinelle" has protected 722 Jewish schools and synagogues, some 24/7 even when the establishments were empty.
The operation came to be regarded as too dangerous for the soldiers who were regularly targets of attacks. Over time the men were worn out.
The army has reported 371 incidents perpetrated against the soldiers standing guard in front of the protected sites. The Defense Ministry has announced that the men will become more mobile, rendering them less vulnerable.
The army noted that "reconnoitering, the taking of snapshots and films" by jihadists preparing future attacks had been going on. "Fourteen serious attacks, with a knife, laser, even blows with heavy sticks," were reported. One jihadist tried to grab the rifle of a soldier on patrol at Trocadéro (Paris) before being caught (and probably released). (Read the rest at the link)

Always On Watch said...

371 attacks in a little over two months? YE, GODS!

Always On Watch said...

How much clearer can Obama's loyalties be?

Anonymous said...

FWIW: Dr. Mordechai Kedar explains Why the Saudis and Muslim Brotherhood Hate Each Other

some good background info for reference.
How Jerusalem was made so holy for Muslims
Dr. Mordechai Kedar, Jerusalem, Arabic-studies scholar Bar ilan University, Jerusalem, Israel

Anonymous said...

Transcript of (not certain all spellings are accurate)How Jerusalem was made so holy for Muslims
Dr. Mordechai Kedar, Jerusalem, Arabic-studies scholar Bar ilan University, Jerusalem, Israel
To a degree that its viewed as the third place in sanctity after Mecca and Medina.
The question is it more obvious when everybody knows that Jerusalem is not mentioned in the qu’ran even once in either of its names, meaning Al-Quds (القدس) and Bayt Al-Maqdis (بيت المقدس), or Elia which is short for Aelia Capitolina (Eliyya Qappitolina)and Uru-Shalem keshenem,
How Jerusalem became so holy for Muslims? Since the qur’an does not mention Jerusalem, we have to go to the hadith, the secondary oral tradition. There we find many things about Jerusalem. First of all, Muhammed, the prophet of Islam, used Jerusalem as a direction for his prayer for a year and a half when he was in Medina after 632, after he emigrated to Medina. He tried to drag three groups of Jews who were living near Medina by directing his prayers towards Jerusalem, just like them. They didn’t buy this. He got angry with them. He slaughtered them and took the women, wives and girls, even one of his wives was Jewish from that tribe. After there were no more Jews, so there was no point to pray to Jerusalem, he turned the prayer to the south, to Mecca – thus turning his back to Jerusalem – claiming that the kaabah, the idol of the Arabs for a century before Islam, is actually a stone, a gift which allah gave to Abraham as a reward for his willing to sacrifice his son, Ishmael. Everybody understands where this story came from. This Jerusalem finished it’s role in Islam.
Doing things in the way of Mohammed, there were near, not far from Mecca, a village named Al Gwei'iyyah Near this village there were two mosques – one was closer and was named masjid al madna, the other one was a bit far from the village and was called al masjid Al-Aqsa (means the further mosque). Everybody knew that. Prophet Mohammed even prayed in these mosques, masjid al madna & al-masjid Al-Aqsa.
In the qur’an it mentions that allah took his servant at night from the holy mosque, which is in Mecca, to the further mosque in this further village, Al Gwei'iyyah and there allah showed him his wonders.
(to be continued)

Anonymous said...

This is chapter 17, verse 1.
After Mohammed passed away, the caliphs gradually moved the Islamic capital to Damascus, thus leaving Mecca as a remote place, only a place for pilgrimage. In the year of 682, fifty years after the prophet passed away, there was a rebellion in Mecca, because of various reasons. Mainly because of the moral level of the behavior of the people in Damascus who were behaving freely with the wives of the mujahideen, those who were fighting in Persia and those towards Spain in the west. Since they went to Mecca every year, in order to cleanse their sins, somebody from Mecca, named Abdella abuZubair declared a rebellion against the caliph and against those who lived in Damascus and prevented them from coming to Mecca to clean their sins in Mecca.
So the caliph, since he could not do anything about this because he had no soldiers, at that time, in the year of 682, because the soldiers were fighting in Persia and Morocco, he, for eight years, looked for another place, an alternative place for pilgrimage. So, if Jerusalem was holy for Jews and Christians- let is also be holy for Muslims. Then they took this story about allah which took his servant from the holy mosque to Al-Aqsa mosque, and they imported the Al-Aqsa mosque to Jerusalem and said that Jerusalem is their Al-Aqsa mosque, the real one, and concocted a whole series of stories how Jerusalem is holier than Mecca only in order to establish the idea that the pilgrimage should be to Jerusalem and not to Mecca.
Of course this was a lie, this was a whole bunch of concoctions. These stories which the ulama, the wise people of the caliph made up those days. There are Islamic scholars like Ibn Taymyyah who knew about this and tried to put Jerusalem in its original status, which is like every other city. However, since it was a political issue – it is a political issue until today. By the way, Saladin in the twelfth century also used these stories to enflame his soldiers against the Christian Crusaders towards the end of the twelfth century.
Today, also, Jerusalem is nothing but a political issue which is colored by religion no more, after all religion and politics in Islam are the two sides of the same coin.