Tuesday, October 20, 2015


From the Vlad Tepes Blog:
Female assistants are “Christian whores” 
One unsettled female voluntary helper tells that “we were continuously berated as Christian whores.” 
Others just don’t understand just what kinds of people were marching through the land completely uncontrolled and unregistered, with the blessing of the government: 
“There were the most strangest types, some way too tall Chinese, supposedly from Mongolia or similar areas, colored people in all shades – but hardy any Syrians.” 
The rumor that Hungary had used the chaos to empty out their prisons, is persistent. Again and again, reports surface of the disease Amoebic Dysentery. 
The catholic church in Nickelsdorf supplied an empty building for the refugees which after an incredibly short time had to be cleared out again and disinfected after a public health officers’ visit. No precise information is available at this time. 
“Why don’t we hear and see anything in the media, why are we not being informed about what’s going on here?”, is a question that locals ask themselves repeatedly.

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