Saturday, April 16, 2016

WHO ARE THE REAL THUGS?… Lewandowski Tried Calling Michelle Fields But She Never Returned His Calls


The Last English Prince said...

Proverbs 14:1

Ms. Fields brought all of this on herself. Minus the video she would have literally destroyed a man and his family in pursuit of her own altercation-journalism fame. If you look at her website she uses the word "altercation" in describing what catapulted her into the spotlight. She has consistently fabricated things using an altercation-journalism genre.

This should be a cautionary tale regarding believing what people tell us. Posture with media should be one of distrust until proven otherwise. Donald Trump himself has declared MSM as the most dishonest and disgusting people he has ever met.

Michelle Fields - is disgustingly dishonest.

Nicoenarg said...

"Minus the video she would have literally destroyed a man and his family in pursuit of her own altercation-journalism fame."

Yup. I think she (and Shapiro et al) were hoping they could take down Lewandowski and Trump. Let's not forget they concocted this whole story hoping other candidates and moderators were going to use it to hit Trump during the debate on Friday.

Their strategy didn't work, she went to the police half assed because everyone was calling her out on not having gone already if it were really an "altercation" as she put it.

Video exposed her even more and now she's the butt of all jokes.

I'm glad Trump stood by Corey and didn't bow to media pressure to get rid of him.